Django, Django-Rest-Framework, SQL
Built Restframework API to integrate easily with any other frontend Technologies
Admin Dashboard /admin
- Signup
POST accounts/signup/
- Login and receive authorization Token
POST acconts/login/
- Logout
POST accounts/logout/
- User Details
GET accounts/me/
- Face Registration for new user
POST accounts/facereg/
- create Organization
POST api/createorg/
- get user created organization
GET api/myorgs/
- get user joined organization
GET api/allmyorgs/
- Teachers join organization
POST api/tjoin/[teacher-code]/
- Student join organization
POST api/sjoin/[student-code]/
- List classes
GET api/listclass/[org-code]/
- Teachers create class
POST api/createclass/
- Mark student attendance
POST api/markpresent/
- List present students in a class
GET api/classdetail/
- Check if user has HOD permission
GET ishod/[org-code]
App is built using Flutter to support Android and iOS devices