Source code:
Open Food Facts:
Robotoff is a service managing potential Open Food Facts updates (also known as insights). These insights include a growing set of facts, including:
- the product category, weight, brand, packager codes and expiration date
- some of its labels
- abusive pictures (selfies)
- rotated pictures
- ingredient spellchecking
Robotoff provides an API to:
- Fetch insights
- Annotate an insight (accept or reject)
Once generated, the insights can be applied automatically, or after a manual validation if necessary. A scheduler regularly marks insights for automatic annotation and sends the update to Open Food Facts.
- To get a better understanding on how Robotoff works, go to Architecture.
- If you want to help, go to Contributing. In particular, to make to project run, go to Get started!
- Robotoff can be used as...
- an online API
- a CLI tool
- a Python package
- If you need to deploy or maintain Robotoff, Maintenance is the way to go.
NOTE: This documentation tries to follow as much as possible the documentation system from Divio.
Robotoff is licensed under the AGPLv3.