Toy application written in Go to read/examine Android DEX/APK files. Currently only for experimentation, but maybe at some point I can find something more interesting to do with it.
Example usage:
% cd $GOPATH
% go get
% $GOPATH/bin/apkreader -dump small.apk
APK small.apk
DEX classes.dex sha1 fd56aced78355c305a9503d6f3dfe1f7ff6ac440
class fibonacci methods: 6
method id 0 name '<init>' code offset 584
method id 1 name 'ifibonacci' code offset 608
method id 2 name 'main' code offset 656
method id 3 name 'rcnm1' code offset 1008
method id 4 name 'rcnm2' code offset 1040
method id 5 name 'rfibonacci' code offset 1072