This is very simple weather forcasting application for Singapore, this will display the weather as of now and upto 5 more days. OpenWeather API is used for the implementation.
Supports iOS 10 and above
Open WeatherForcast.xcodeproj and once the project is opened press (command+B)
After you open WeatherForcast.xcodeproj, press (command+R)
After you open WeatherForcast.xcodeproj,
1 - Press (command+U) or
2 - Navigate to WeatherForcast > WeatherForcastTests > WeatherForcastTests.swift, then arrow button in the navigator.
Handle error scenarios and show alerts to the user where necessary (No network connection, error responses)
Show activity indicators where necessary.
Write all the necessary unit tests.
Make UI more attractive and more informative.
Implement the app to fetch weather for the current location using the device location.
Implement a feature to check any location weather conditions, in this way user can enter the location as the zip code, or as the city name, or as the geographic coordinates.
Implement a cache system using core-data.