By codeschris
- git init: initialize a repository to be pushed to GitHub
- git add project-file: stage files to be committed
- git commit:
- (-m "commit message"): commit changes with a small message
- leave blank: commit changes with a detailed message
- git branch:
- (-M branch_name): renaming a branch
- leave blank: checking branches available in the repo
- (--delete branch_name): delete a branch
- git remote add origin https://url-of-the-project: connecting your origin (project in Git) to remote (local project)
- git push:
- (-u origin branch_name): pushing to a new branch in origin
- leave blank: pushing to existing branch in origin
- git pull:
- leave blank: Pull new changes to your local repo
- (--allow-unrelated-histories): Allow unrelated histories from a branch that isn't connected/pulling from upstream