This project is a "procedural language" extension of PostgreSQL allowing the execution of code in Haskell within SQL code. Despite the name, Haskell is, of course, not a procedural language as it is a functional language. However, "procedural language" is the term that PostgreSQL uses to describe languages that can be embedded in its SQL code.
The extension allows users, even unprivileged ones, to write, install, and run functions written in Haskell.
Copyright (C) 2023 Edward F. Behn, Jr.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
I wrote the project mostly for my own amusement and as a challenge. If you have any questions, comments, or issues, or if you find the project interesting or useful, please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected].
Bug reports and feature requests should be submitted in the Github issues page.
This document assumes that the reader is familiar with PostgreSQL (specifically procedural languages) and with the Haskell language.
The easiest way to install the project is to use the RPM package repository for Fedora or the apt package repository for Ubuntu.
Add the repository:
wget --quiet -O- | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/plhaskell.repo > /dev/null
Update the repository information:
sudo dnf update
Install the package:
sudo dnf install plhaskell
Add the signing key to the apt keys:
wget --quiet -O- | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/plhaskell-keyring.gpg > /dev/null
Add the repository:
echo deb \[signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/plhaskell-keyring.gpg\]$(lsb_release -cs)/apt-repo stable main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/plhaskell.list > /dev/null
Update the repository information:
sudo apt update
Install the package:
sudo apt install plhaskell
This extension is intended to be built and installed in a Linux environment. It has only been tested on the x86-64 architecture.
The following should be done as a non-root user.
Install git, rpmdevtools, make, checkpolicy, policycoreutils, postgresql-server-devel, ghc-compiler, ghc-bytestring-devel, ghc-text-devel, and ghc-hint-devel:
sudo dnf install git rpmdevtools make selinux-policy-devel postgresql-server-devel ghc-compiler ghc-bytestring-devel ghc-text-devel ghc-hint-devel
Create the directories necessary to build the .rpm:
Download the project code:
git clone
Copy the .spec
file to the ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
cp PLHaskell/spec/plhaskell.spec ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
Copy the source to the ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
tar --exclude-vcs -czf ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/PLHaskell.tar.gz PLHaskell
Build the .rpm
rpmbuild -bb ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/plhaskell.spec
Install the .rpm
package written to the ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/
directory on the target machine.
The following should be done as a non-root user.
Install git, devscripts, debhelper-compat, postgresql-server-dev-all ghc, libghc-hint-dev:
sudo apt install git devscripts debhelper-compat postgresql-server-dev-all ghc libghc-hint-dev
Download the project code:
git clone
Build the .deb
cd PLHaskell
debuild --no-tgz-check
Install the .deb
package written to the parent directory on the target machine.
The alternative to building an .rpm
or .deb
package is to build and install the project manually.
The following are needed to build and install PL/Haskell:
- PostgreSQL server
- PostgreSQL development files
- Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC)
- The GHC Hint development module
- libpq-devel
Ensure that pg_config
is available in the path. Run make
to build all the files needed for the extension.
To install, run sudo make install
On each database that you wish to have the extension, run the SQL command CREATE EXTENSION plhaskell;
To uninstall, run sudo make uninstall
Systems that use Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) may encounter problems running the extension. This manifests as the ability to create functions and the inability to call them. Appropriate policies must be implemented. Full details are beyond the scope of this document.
A policy file designed to accommodate Red Hat based systems can be built by running make SELINUX=1
. Upon installation, this file is saved to /usr/share/selinux/packages/plhaskell.pp
. It is the user's responsibility to install the policy.
A test battery is provided in the tests.sql
file in the root directory. It can be run with the command
psql -f tests.sql
If successful, it will terminate with the notice All tests passed
PL/Haskell is a "trusted" language. The PostgreSQL manual explains:
The optional key word TRUSTED specifies that the language does not grant access to data that the user would not otherwise have. Trusted languages are designed for ordinary database users (those without superuser privilege) and allows them to safely create functions and procedures.
As such, unprivileged users are permitted to write and execute functions without the possibility that they will be able to access information or resources that are not allowed to access. This is accomplished by enforcing Haskell's strong type system.
To install the language in a database, run the SQL command CREATE EXTENSION plhaskell;
Functions in PL/Haskell are created the same manner as other PostgreSQL functions. The code must be valid Haskell. It must import the PGm
monad type from the PGutils
The code must contain a function with the same name as the PostgreSQL function. Each of its arguments must be of the type Maybe
where arg
is the Haskell type as determined by the PostgreSQL type as indicated by the following table.
PostgreSQL Type | Module | Haskell Type |
bytea |
Data.ByteString |
ByteString |
text |
Data.Text |
Text |
char |
Prelude |
Char |
bool |
Prelude |
Bool |
smallint |
Data.Int |
Int16 |
integer |
Data.Int |
Int32 |
bigint |
Data.Int |
Int64 |
real |
Prelude |
Float |
float |
Prelude |
Double |
The function must return type PGm (Maybe
where result
is the appropriate Haskell type as determined by the return type of function.
In addition, functions can use composite types as arguments or return values provided that the composite types consist of elements that are listed in the table above or are themselves composite types. Composite values are represented as Haskell tuples.
Functions can return sets of values by returning type PGm [Maybe
where result
is the appropriate Haskell type as determined by the return type of function.
To report a message or raise an error, use the function report :: ErrorLevel -> Text -> PGm ()
. ErrorLevel
is any of the following:
Level |
exception |
warning |
notice |
info |
log |
debug1 |
debug2 |
debug3 |
debug4 |
debug5 |
In addition, the function raiseError :: Text -> a
stops execution and raises an error.
Queries can be performed from inside PL/Haskell with the function query :: Text -> [QueryParam] -> PGm QueryResults
. The first argument is the query itself. The second argument is a list of values to be substituted into the query using the expressions $
. This should be used rather than constructing a query string directly to prevent SQL injection attacks.
Queries in stable and immutable functions are executed in read-only mode, while volatile functions execute queries in read-write mode.
Any base type that can be passed to PL/Haskell functions can be used as a parameter by using the appropriate constructor for the type QueryParam
. The constructors are the following:
QueryParam |
QueryParamByteA (Maybe ByteString) |
QueryParamText (Maybe Text) |
QueryParamChar (Maybe Char) |
QueryParamBool (Maybe Bool) |
QueryParamInt2 (Maybe Int16) |
QueryParamInt4 (Maybe Int32) |
QueryParamInt8 (Maybe Int64) |
QueryParamFloat4 (Maybe Float) |
QueryParamFloat8 (Maybe Double) |
The constructors for QueryResults
are the following:
QueryResults |
SelectResults Word64 [Text] [[QueryResultValue]] |
SelectIntoResults Word64 |
InsertResults Word64 |
DeleteResults Word64 |
UpdateResults Word64 |
InsertReturningResults Word64 [Text] [[QueryResultValue]] |
DeleteReturningResults Word64 [Text] [[QueryResultValue]] |
UpdateReturningResults Word64 [Text] [[QueryResultValue]] |
UtilityResults Word64 |
RewrittenResults Word64 |
The constructor indicates the type of query run. The Word64
field is the number of rows processed. The [Text]
field is the names of the columns returned and the [[QueryResultValue]]
is the data returned.
The constructors for QueryResultValue
are the following:
QueryResultValue |
QueryResultValueByteA (Maybe ByteString) |
QueryResultValueText (Maybe Text) |
QueryResultValueChar (Maybe Char) |
QueryResultValueBool (Maybe Bool) |
QueryResultValueInt2 (Maybe Int16) |
QueryResultValueInt4 (Maybe Int32) |
QueryResultValueInt8 (Maybe Int64) |
QueryResultValueFloat4 (Maybe Float) |
QueryResultValueFloat8 (Maybe Double) |
QueryResultValueComposite (Maybe [QueryResultValue]) |
By default, the maximum memory that can be used by the Haskell runtime system is 128 MB. This can be changed by setting the plhaskell.max_memory
variable in the postgresql.conf
import PGutils (PGm)
import Data.Int (Int32)
add :: Maybe Int32 -> Maybe Int32 -> PGm (Maybe Int32)
add Nothing Nothing = return Nothing
add (Just a) (Just b) = return (Just (a+b))
add a Nothing = return a
add Nothing b = return b
LANGUAGE plhaskell;
import PGutils (PGm)
import Data.Int (Int32)
fibonacci' :: Int32 -> Int32
fibonacci' 0 = 0
fibonacci' 1 = 1
fibonacci' n = fibonacci' (n-2) + fibonacci' (n-1)
fibonacci :: Maybe Int32 -> PGm (Maybe Int32)
fibonacci Nothing = return Nothing
fibonacci (Just n) = return (Just (fibonacci' n))
LANGUAGE plhaskell;
This section shows how to return a set of results. The functions listed produce lists of prime numbers using the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
The function in this section returns a set of composite results.
CREATE TYPE n_p AS (n int, p int);
import PGutils (PGm, raiseError)
import Data.Int (Int32)
sieve :: [Int32] -> [Int32]
sieve (p:xs) = p : sieve [x | x <- xs, x `mod` p /= 0]
sieve [] = []
primes :: Maybe Int32 -> PGm [Maybe (Maybe Int32, Maybe Int32)]
primes Nothing = raiseError "Invalid Null"
primes (Just n) = return (map Just (zip [Just i | i <- [1..n]] (map Just (sieve [2..]))))
LANGUAGE plhaskell;
By running the query
FROM primes(10)
The following is produced
n | p |
1 | 2 |
2 | 3 |
3 | 5 |
4 | 7 |
5 | 11 |
6 | 13 |
7 | 17 |
8 | 19 |
9 | 23 |
10 | 29 |
The following function returns a infinite list of prime numbers
import PGutils (PGm)
import Data.Int (Int32)
sieve :: [Int32] -> [Int32]
sieve (p:xs) = p : sieve [x | x <- xs, x `mod` p /= 0]
primes :: PGm [Maybe Int32]
primes = return (map Just (sieve [2..]))
LANGUAGE plhaskell;
To generate the first twenty-five prime numbers, run:
SELECT primes()
primes |
2 |
3 |
5 |
7 |
11 |
13 |
17 |
19 |
23 |
29 |
31 |
37 |
41 |
43 |
47 |
53 |
59 |
61 |
67 |
71 |
73 |
79 |
83 |
89 |
97 |
The following demonstrates how to show a notice from within a function.
import PGutils (PGm, report, notice)
import Data.Int (Int32)
forty_two :: PGm (Maybe Int32)
forty_two = do
report notice "Don't Panic"
return (Just 42)
LANGUAGE plhaskell;
The following deletes all elements of table t
and returns the number of rows removed.
import PGutils (PGm, query, QueryResults (DeleteResults))
import Data.Int (Int64)
remove_all :: PGm (Maybe Int64)
remove_all = do
DeleteResults processed <- query "DELETE FROM t" []
return (Just (fromIntegral processed))
LANGUAGE plhaskell;
The following returns the last names of students with the passed first name.
DROP FUNCTION last_names(text);
import PGutils (PGm, query, QueryResults (SelectResults), QueryParam (QueryParamText), QueryResultValue (QueryResultValueText))
import Data.Text (Text)
extract_text :: [QueryResultValue] -> Maybe Text
extract_text [QueryResultValueText name] = name
last_names :: Maybe Text -> PGm [Maybe Text]
last_names first_name = do
SelectResults _processed _header results <- query "SELECT last_name FROM students WHERE first_name = $1" [QueryParamText first_name]
return (map extract_text results)
LANGUAGE plhaskell;