Technat's truly unique homelab.
The goal of this homelab is:
- to have some fun
- study and get to learn new stuff
- figure out how close to 100% automation we can get
- try to proove that cluster-api is the future for cluster management
The homelab consists of a k8s cluster bootstrapped by Cluster-API. On the cluster we install some basic tooling ready for whatever application we want to try out.
- Github Action provisions an ephemeral kind cluster
- Infrastructure provider credentials are placed in the kind cluster
- CAPI Operator and CAPI are installed in the kind cluster using helm
- YAML defines my cluster
- CAPI provisions my cluster
- CAPI installs the CNI and Argo CD
- CAPI state is moved to the target cluster
- Target cluster self-registers in Argo CD
- Argo CD fetches app config from repo
- Argo CD deploys infrastructure tools
- kind cluster is destroyed
- CAPI is self-managing it's cluster
Some points to note:
- CAPI is the future for cluster management and thus it's worth investing into it
- Apart from some commands and some CI/CD everything is fully declarative YAML and GitOps
- Infrastructure and Platform are decoupled, switching Infrastructure provider is normal and intended by CAPI
- Infrastructure providers for many cloud providers exist, the cheapest one can always be choosen
- CAPI can bootstrap the cluster using the kubeadm provider (giving me the option to manually deal with the cluster later, if I want to practise for the CKA or CKS)
The tools I'm going to install are:
- Cilium (the CNI I want to have experience with)
- Argo CD (my familiar GitOps tool where I contribute)
- gateway api controller (ingress-nginx or cilium)
- storage provider (longhorn, rook, minio...)
- cert-manager
The cluster should be as independent of the underlying cloud as possible.
Nothing is 100% automated, so this list keeps track of steps that have been done manually:
- Create hcloud project
- Add hcloud api token to repo secrets
- hcloud project was added to account-nuker
- mend renovate saas was enabled for the repository
- generate ssh-key pair and save in hcloud project as default key named
- Automate updates with renovate (how to do cluster-spec regeneration if the caph version changes in the capi-components.yaml?)
All the relevant commands can be seen in the github workflow file.
The cluster-spec that's checked into the repo, has been generated using the following commands:
export SSH_KEY_NAME="k8s"
export HCLOUD_REGION="hel1"
clusterctl generate cluster -i=hetzner:v1.0.0-beta.43 > cluster.yaml
If you update the CAPH provider, it's recommended to regenerate these specs.
And finally access the workload cluster:
export CAPH_WORKER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG=/tmp/workload-kubeconfig
clusterctl get kubeconfig > $CAPH_WORKER_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG
helm upgrade --install cilium cilium/cilium --version 1.16.0 --namespace kube-system
helm repo add hcloud
helm upgrade --install hccm hcloud/hcloud-cloud-controller-manager \
--namespace kube-system \
--set \
--set env.HCLOUD_TOKEN.valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key=hcloud \
--set privateNetwork.enabled=false
cat << EOF > csi-values.yaml
- name: hcloud-volumes
defaultStorageClass: true
reclaimPolicy: Retain
helm upgrade --install csi syself/csi-hcloud --version 0.2.0 \
--namespace kube-system -f csi-values.yaml