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p1-mmr committed Feb 2, 2024
1 parent 34f01e7 commit ef89bca
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Showing 37 changed files with 324 additions and 287 deletions.
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### Windows installation

QCSuper can run on Windows, but you should beforehand ensure that Google's ADB prompt correctly runs on your machine with your device, and you should as well manually create `libusb-win32` filters (through the utility accessible in the Start Menu after installing it) in the case where your device directly needs to connect to the Diag port over pseudo-serial USB. (Please note that if you mode-switch your device, the associated USB PID/VID may change and it may require to redo driver associations in the `libusb-win32` filter creation utility - and/or in the Windows peripherial devices manager depending on the case)
QCSuper can run on Windows, but you should beforehand ensure that Google's ADB prompt correctly runs on your machine with your device, and you should as well manually create `libusb-win32` filters (through the utility accessible in the Start Menu after installing it) in the case where your device directly needs to connect to the Diag port over pseudo-serial USB.

(Please note that if you mode-switch your device, the associated USB PID/VID may change and it may require to redo driver associations in the `libusb-win32` filter creation utility - and/or in the Windows peripherial devices manager depending on the case)

On Windows, you may need (in addition to Google's ADB kernel drivers) to download and install your phone's USB drivers from your phone model (this may include generic Qualcomm USB drivers). Please search for your phone's model + "USB driver" or "ADB driver" on Google for instructions.

Then, you need to ensure that you can reach your device using `adb`. You can find a tutorial on how to download and setup `adb` [here]( The `adb.exe shell` (or whatever executable path you use, a copy of the ADB executable is present in the `src/inputs/external/adb` folder of QCSuper) command must display a prompt to continue.
Then, you need to ensure that you can reach your device using `adb`. You can find a tutorial on how to download and setup `adb` [here]( The `adb.exe shell` (or whatever executable path you use, a copy of the ADB executable is present in the `qcsuper/inputs/external/adb` folder of QCSuper) command must display a prompt to continue.

Then, follow these links (the tool has been tested lately on Windows 11 - it is not guaranteed to work on Windows 7) in order to:

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#-*- encoding: Utf-8 -*-

from logging import DEBUG, INFO, basicConfig, error, info, debug, warning
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from os.path import expanduser
from pathlib import Path
from sys import stderr

from src.modules.json_geo_dump import JsonGeoDumper
from src.modules.memory_dump import MemoryDumper
from src.modules.cli import CommandLineInterface
from src.modules.dlf_dump import DlfDumper
from import InfoRetriever
from src.modules._utils import FileType

from src.inputs.json_geo_read import JsonGeoReader
from src.inputs.usb_modem_pyserial import UsbModemPyserialConnector
from src.inputs.usb_modem_pyusb import UsbModemPyusbConnector
from src.inputs.usb_modem_pyusb_devfinder import PyusbDevInterface, PyusbDevNotFoundReason
from src.inputs.usb_modem_argparser import UsbModemArgParser, UsbModemArgType
from src.inputs.dlf_read import DlfReader
from src.inputs.adb import AdbConnector
from src.inputs.adb_wsl2 import AdbWsl2Connector

parser = ArgumentParser(
description = 'A tool for communicating with the Qualcomm DIAG protocol (also called QCDM or DM).',
formatter_class = RawTextHelpFormatter

parser.add_argument('--cli', action = 'store_true', help = 'Use a command prompt, allowing for interactive completion of commands.')
parser.add_argument('--efs-shell', action = 'store_true', help = 'Spawn an interactive shell to navigate within the embedded filesystem (EFS) of the baseband device.')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action = 'store_true', help = 'Add output for each received or sent Diag packet.')

input_mode = parser.add_argument_group(title = 'Input mode', description = 'Choose an one least input mode for DIAG data.')

input_mode = input_mode.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required = True)

input_mode.add_argument('--adb', action = 'store_true', help = 'Use a rooted Android phone with USB debugging enabled as input (requires adb).')
input_mode.add_argument('--adb-wsl2', action = 'store', default=None, help = 'Unix path to the Windows adb executable. Equivalent of --adb command but with WSL2/Windows interoperability.')
input_mode.add_argument('--usb-modem', metavar = 'TTY_DEV', help = 'Use an USB modem exposing a DIAG pseudo-serial port through USB.\n' +
'Possible syntaxes:\n' +
' - "auto": Use the first device interface in the system found where the\n' +
' following criteria is matched, by order of preference:\n' +
' - bInterfaceClass=255/bInterfaceSubClass=255/bInterfaceProtocol=48/bNumEndpoints=2\n' +
' - bInterfaceClass=255/bInterfaceSubClass=255/bInterfaceProtocol=255/bNumEndpoints=2\n' +
' - usbserial or hso device name (Linux/macOS): "/dev/tty{USB,HS,other}{0-9}"\n' +
' - COM port identifier (Windows): "COM{0-9}"\n' +
' - "vid:pid[:cfg:intf]" (vendor ID/product ID/optional bConfigurationValue/optional\n' +
' bInterfaceNumber) format in hexa: e.g. "05c6:9091" or "05c6:9091:1:0 (vid and pid\n' +
' are four zero-padded hex digits, cfg and intf are canonical values from the USB\n' +
' descriptor, or guessed using the criteria specified for "auto" above if not specified)\n' +
' - "bus:addr[:cfg:intf]" (USB bus/device address/optional bConfigurationValue/optional\n' +
' bInterfaceNumber) format in decimal: e.g "001:003" or "001:003:0:3" (bus and addr are\n' +
' three zero-padded digits, cfg and intf are canonical values from the USB descriptor)')
input_mode.add_argument('--dlf-read', metavar = 'DLF_FILE', type = FileType('rb'), help = 'Read a DLF file generated by QCSuper or QXDM, enabling interoperability with vendor software.')
input_mode.add_argument('--json-geo-read', metavar = 'JSON_FILE', type = FileType('r'), help = 'Read a JSON file generated using --json-geo-dump.')

modules = parser.add_argument_group(title = 'Modules', description = 'Modules writing to a file will append when it already exists, and consider it Gzipped if their name contains ".gz".')

modules.add_argument('--info', action = 'store_true', help = 'Read generic information about the baseband device.')
modules.add_argument('--pcap-dump', metavar = 'PCAP_FILE', type = FileType('ab'), help = 'Generate a PCAP file containing GSMTAP frames for 2G/3G/4G, to be loaded using Wireshark.')
modules.add_argument('--wireshark-live', action = 'store_true', help = 'Same as --pcap-dump, but directly spawn a Wireshark instance.')
# modules.add_argument('--efs-dump', metavar = 'OUTPUT_DIR', help = 'Dump the internal EFS filesystem of the device.')
modules.add_argument('--memory-dump', metavar = 'OUTPUT_DIR', help = 'Dump the memory of the device (may not or partially work with recent devices).')
modules.add_argument('--dlf-dump', metavar = 'DLF_FILE', type = FileType('ab'), help = 'Generate a DLF file to be loaded using QCSuper or QXDM, with network protocols logging.')
modules.add_argument('--json-geo-dump', metavar = 'JSON_FILE', type = FileType('a'), help = 'Generate a JSON file containing both raw log frames and GPS coordinates, for further reprocessing. ' +
'To be used in combination with --adb.')
modules.add_argument('--decoded-sibs-dump', action = 'store_true', help = 'Print decoded SIBs to stdout (experimental, requires pycrate).')

pcap_options = parser.add_argument_group(title = 'PCAP generation options', description = 'To be used along with --pcap-dump or --wireshark-live.')

pcap_options.add_argument('--reassemble-sibs', action = 'store_true', help = 'Include reassembled UMTS SIBs as supplementary frames, also embedded fragmented in RRC frames.')
pcap_options.add_argument('--decrypt-nas', action = 'store_true', help = 'Include unencrypted LTE NAS as supplementary frames, also embedded ciphered in RRC frames.')
pcap_options.add_argument('--include-ip-traffic', action = 'store_true', help = 'Include unframed IP traffic from the UE.')

memory_options = parser.add_argument_group(title = 'Memory dumping options', description = 'To be used along with --memory-dump.')

memory_options.add_argument('--start', metavar = 'MEMORY_START', default = '00000000', help = 'Offset at which to start to dump memory (hex number), by default 00000000.')
memory_options.add_argument('--stop', metavar = 'MEMORY_STOP', default = 'ffffffff', help = 'Offset at which to stop to dump memory (hex number), by default ffffffff.')

args = parser.parse_args()

basicConfig(stream = stderr, level = DEBUG if args.verbose else INFO,
format='[%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s @ %(filename)s:%(lineno)d ] %(message)s',
force = True, datefmt = '%H:%M:%S')

if args.dlf_read:
diag_input = DlfReader(args.dlf_read)
elif args.adb_wsl2:
win_adb_path = Path(args.adb_wsl2).resolve()
if not win_adb_path.is_file():
error("--adb-wsl2 is not a valid path to Windows adb executable")
diag_input = AdbWsl2Connector(f'{win_adb_path}')
if diag_input.usb_modem and not diag_input.usb_modem.not_found_reason:
usb_modem : PyusbDevInterface = diag_input.usb_modem
if usb_modem.chardev_if_mounted:
diag_input = UsbModemPyserialConnector(usb_modem.chardev_if_mounted)
diag_input = UsbModemPyusbConnector(usb_modem)
elif args.adb:
diag_input = AdbConnector()
if diag_input.usb_modem and not diag_input.usb_modem.not_found_reason:
usb_modem : PyusbDevInterface = diag_input.usb_modem
if usb_modem.chardev_if_mounted:
diag_input = UsbModemPyserialConnector(usb_modem.chardev_if_mounted)
diag_input = UsbModemPyusbConnector(usb_modem)
elif args.usb_modem:
usb_arg = UsbModemArgParser(args.usb_modem)
if not usb_arg.arg_type:
error("You didn't pass a valid value for the --usb-modem " +
"argument. Please check digit padding (if any) and see " +
"--help for further details.")
elif usb_arg.arg_type == UsbModemArgType.pyserial_dev:
diag_input = UsbModemPyserialConnector(usb_arg.pyserial_device)
dev_intf = PyusbDevInterface.from_arg(usb_arg)
if dev_intf.not_found_reason:
error('No Qualcomm Diag interface was found with the specified ' +
'criteria. Please be more specific.')
# TODO: Print a more user-friendly message here?
elif dev_intf.chardev_if_mounted:
diag_input = UsbModemPyserialConnector(dev_intf.chardev_if_mounted)
diag_input = UsbModemPyusbConnector(dev_intf)

elif args.json_geo_read:
diag_input = JsonGeoReader(args.json_geo_read)
raise NotImplementedError

The classes implementing the modules are instancied below.

def parse_modules_args(args):

if args.memory_dump:
diag_input.add_module(MemoryDumper(diag_input, expanduser(args.memory_dump), int(args.start, 16), int(args.stop, 16)))
if args.pcap_dump:
from src.modules.pcap_dump import PcapDumper
diag_input.add_module(PcapDumper(diag_input, args.pcap_dump, args.reassemble_sibs, args.decrypt_nas, args.include_ip_traffic))
if args.wireshark_live:
from src.modules.pcap_dump import WiresharkLive
diag_input.add_module(WiresharkLive(diag_input, args.reassemble_sibs, args.decrypt_nas, args.include_ip_traffic))
if args.json_geo_dump:
diag_input.add_module(JsonGeoDumper(diag_input, args.json_geo_dump))
if args.decoded_sibs_dump:
from src.modules.decoded_sibs_dump import DecodedSibsDumper
if args.dlf_dump:
diag_input.add_module(DlfDumper(diag_input, args.dlf_dump))

# if args.efs_dump:
# raise NotImplementedError


if args.cli:

if diag_input.modules or args.efs_shell:
error('You can not both specify the use of CLI and a module')

diag_input.add_module(CommandLineInterface(diag_input, parser, parse_modules_args))

if args.efs_shell:

if diag_input.modules:
error('You can not both specify the use of EFS shell and a module')

from src.modules.efs_shell import EfsShell

if not diag_input.modules:


error('You must specify either a module or --cli')

# Enter the main loop.


import src.__main__
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#-*- encoding: Utf-8 -*-

from setuptools import setup

setup(name = 'qcsuper',
version = '2.0.0',
description = ' QCSuper is a tool communicating with Qualcomm-based phones and modems, allowing to capture raw 2G/3G/4G radio frames, among other things',
author = 'P1 Security - Marin Moulinier',
author_email = '',
entry_points = {
'console_scripts': [
'qcsuper = qcsuper.__main__'
url = '',
requires = ['pyserial(>=3.5)', 'pyusb(>=1.2.1)', 'crcmod(>=1.7)', 'pycrate(>=0.7.0)'],
install_requires = [],
packages = [
package_dir = {
'qcsuper': 'src'
Empty file added src/
Empty file.

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