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cohost.org post preprocessor. it’s for posting on cohost.org. cohost.org posting. with css. dangerous css posting. you can be making a post that is so cascaded. in a style sheets way. advanced post…
An alternative PCB pawprint for the Tag-Connect TC2030 pogo pin programming cable
An engine built on hollyhock-2 for the Classpad II fx-CP400
ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
Hex diff viewer using alignment algorithms from biology
An project turning a typewriter into the coolest and least functional printer you've seen!
This repo is both a humorous plugin and a testing ground for me to play with CI setups without messing up a "real" repo.
🌊 Digital timing diagram rendering engine
Recognize cpu instructions in an arbitrary binary file
Python pipeline synthesis: convert Python > RTL MyHDL > Verilog
Cyclone V bitstream reverse-engineering project
[in-progress] toy rust microkernel and operating system for riscv64