A lightweight tweener using Pixi's built in ticker.
npm install pixi-tweener
The library is exposed as an UMD module. If loaded directly with a <script>
tag, it can be accessed under pixiTweener.Tweener
and pixiTweener.Easing
import { Tweener, Easing } from "pixi-tweener";
// ...
await Tweener.add({ target: bunnySprite, duration: 3, ease: Easing.easeInOutCubic }, { x: 100, alpha: 0.5});
Registers the tweener on a ticker. Dispose must be called before another init() call.
static init(ticker: Ticker): void;
static dispose(): void;
Unregisters the tweener from the ticker.
Adds a new tween to the tweener, returns a promise that fulfills when the tween completes. Tweens start automatically. For duration you can either use seconds, or total tick count. Default is seconds.
static add<T extends P, P extends TweenProps>(tweenParams: {
target: T;
context?: any;
useTickForDuration?: boolean;
duration: number;
delay?: number;
ease?: (t: number) => number;
onUpdate?: (t: number) => void;
}, props: P): Promise<void>;
Stop all tweens on the target context, optional parameter to skip fulfilling the promises. Context can be any object used in the creation of the tween, that can be shared by multiple tweens. By default it is the target of the tween.
static killTweensOf(context: any, skipComplete?: boolean)
Returns true if there are any active tweens.
static tweening(): boolean;