##Automatic subtitle Loader for VLC
Imagine the time you spend and all the trouble you go through while downloading the appropriate subtitles for a movie or an episode of your favourite Television series. This python script will provide you a hassle free experience by downloading subtitles and loading them automatically in a VLC
. Currently this script only works on Ubuntu. It is based on manojmj92's [subtitle downloader] (https://github.com/manojmj92/subtitle-downloader)
##Windows support
Refer VLC_subDownloader for Windows support.
1. You must have a VLC Media Player installed on your machine.
2. Python >= 2.7.x
1. Download and unzip this repository or clone it into your local machine.
2. Run `python setup.py` and you are done.
3. Now watch any movie or episode without explicitly downloading subtitles.