barracuda Public
Forked from lsegal/barracudaBarracuda is a Ruby wrapper library for the OpenCL architecture.
postrank-uri Public
Forked from postrank-labs/postrank-uriURI normalization, c18n, escaping, and extraction
gmond_python_modules Public
Forked from ganglia/gmond_python_modulesRepository of user-contributed Gmond Python DSO metric modules
em-jack Public
Forked from igrigorik/em-jackAn Evented Beanstalk Client
rubygame Public
Forked from rubygame/rubygameFlexible cross-platform game programming library for Ruby
talker.rb Public
Forked from macournoyer/talker.rbA real-time Talker Ruby client.
curl-multi Public
Forked from kr/curl-multiHigh-level Ruby bindings for the libcurl multi interface