Docx rendering library
Demo -
<!--optional polyfill for promise-->
<script src=""></script>
<!--lib uses jszip-->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="docx-preview.min.js"></script>
var docData = <document Blob>;
docx.renderAsync(docData, document.getElementById("container"))
.then(x => console.log("docx: finished"));
<div id="container"></div>
document: Blob | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array, // could be any type that supported by JSZip.loadAsync
bodyContainer: HTMLElement, //element to render document content,
styleContainer: HTMLElement, //element to render document styles, numbeings, fonts. If null, bodyContainer will be used.
options: {
className: string = "docx", //class name/prefix for default and document style classes
inWrapper: boolean = true, //enables rendering of wrapper around document content
ignoreWidth: boolean = false, //disables rendering width of page
ignoreHeight: boolean = false, //disables rendering height of page
ignoreFonts: boolean = false, //disables fonts rendering
breakPages: boolean = true, //enables page breaking on page breaks
ignoreLastRenderedPageBreak: boolean = true, //disables page breaking on lastRenderedPageBreak elements
experimental: boolean = false, //enables experimental features (tab stops calculation)
trimXmlDeclaration: boolean = true, //if true, xml declaration will be removed from xml documents before parsing
debug: boolean = false, //enables additional logging
): Promise<any>
So far I can't come up with final approach of parsing documents and final structure of API. Main development is moved to next branch. Only renderAsync function is stable and definition shouldn't be changed in future. Inner implementation of parsing and rendering may be changed at any point of time.