A very simple image processing library for Clojure, based on immutable image-grids. Designed to only support simple pixel-based manipulations of images in RGB or HSV color spaces. Relies on the library net.mikera/imagez for everything besides the manipulations of images themselves.
Until I get this pushed to Clojars, you can add the dependency through GitHub. Your deps.edn
file should look something like this:
{net.mikera/imagez {:mvn/version "0.12.0"}
io.github.thelmuth/image-grid {:git/sha "6ed4021d0cb38d2dfcce71592fa5b56176adce64"}}}
Now you'll want a namespace something like this at the top of your program:
(ns my-project.core
(:require [mikera.image.core :as mk]
[image-grid.core :as ig]
[image-grid.color :as color]))
And now you can use and manipulate image grids:
(let [width 500
height 300
empty-image (ig/new-image-grid width height)
pixel-fn (fn [[x y] _]
[(/ y height) (/ x width) 0.3])
img-grid (ig/map-image-grid pixel-fn empty-image)]
(ig/image-grid->mkimage img-grid)))
Which will generate and show this image:
See src/image_grid/demo.clj
for more examples.