Budget Buddy is a website that will be a service to anyone who wants to manage their money. Anybody will be able to track their expenses they have each month and create a budget. This will make them more aware of their spending habits and help them turn over a new leaf in life as they will grow better in their walk with money.
The goal of Budget Buddy is to empower anybody to view and understand their financial decisions. The power that Budget Buddy uses is the power of visual aid. Often a picture can say a thousand words, and so Budget Buddy’s easy-to-use interface and beautiful graphics will empower anyone to find financial freedom by making more informed decisions.
- Empower financial decisions
- Provide visual aids
- Financial freedom through data
Budget Buddy is an ambitious endeavor to create an ecosystem of data that serves the user effective information in a readily apparent way. The objectives of which this will be achieved is our graphic software utilizing the most modern looks for the most appropriate graphs. Other objectives will be to provide the user with a budgetary profile to see what the state of their spending and debt is compared to their income.
- An ecosystem of data
- Serving effective information in a readily apparent way
- Effective usage of graphical content
- Budgetary profile
- View the user's inflow and outflow of money
The scope of Budget Buddy is a very clear philosophy – “data for your decisions.” The app will be an objective presentation of facts with no intention of preaching any financial philosophy to the user. Our scope is to provide data that helps the user make decisions on their own. Given this clear distinction, Budget Buddy’s scope begins with a financial profile, expense tracking, and visual decision-making and stops at investment advice, product promotion, or alternative budgeting decisions.
Budget Buddy will...
- Present the users with the facts
- Visualize data
- Empower the user to make better decisions
- Provide a beautiful and easy-to-use interface
Budget Buddy will not...
- Preach a financial philosophy
- Provide investment advice
- Provide alternative budgeting decisions