Shop with sample products -> Your Online Shop Demo Shop
Admin -> (usr/password) webadmin/webadmin, productsadmin/productsadmin
This is a dynamic web app (Single Page Application) for e-commerce. Backend is written in PHP. It uses Mysql database system.
If you prefer we offer FREE YOUR ONLINE SHOP installation and hosting service: ask at our email.
- Upload the compressed file to your web server.
- Unpack it to the desired folder (All files are inside "yos" folder).
- Create a new mysql database.
- Edit database settings at: backend/includes/config.php.
- Run the app at the web browser and continue with the installation process.
Please write: [email protected]
Once Your Online Shop is installed you can open your browser at the corresponding url address. Lets log-in with some of the admin users to make changes: user webadmin for web content and productsadmin for catalog content. Other operations can be done by user systemadmin, and to check customer orders log-in with ordersadmin.
Once editing some content press Intro or click outside of the editable area to save changes.
To edit some features from the checkout process you should log in with systemadmin user and make an order as if you were a customer. Once you get to the checkout step you should be able to edit checkout options.
Some other configuration can be done by editing file javascript/config.js.
If the database connection is not working you may need to check settings at backend/includes/config.php. Also you may need to import the database content directly from the file backend/utils/database.php.
If the products images can not be uploaded you may need to allow write permisions at folders catalog/images/big and catalog/images/small.
If it doesn't admin to make changes you can try to copy backend/utils/htaccess file to the folder backend and rename it to ".htaccess".
Y.O.S. system has a themes feature. You can select themes and styles at the config.js file. Themes files are inside folder themes/[theme path]/components.