Working from home
I am a community & web developer living in Yangon, Myanmar.
- Yangon
- https://www.thet.win
- @thetwinhtwe
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eain-technologies-myanmar/todo.project.django.myanmar Public"αα―ααΊαα±α¬ααΊ" ααα―αα¬ Django αααΊαααΊαΈα α¬ To Do Application ααα― ααΌααΊαα¬ααα― α‘ααααΉαα«ααΊαα½αα·αΊααα―αα»ααΊαα»α¬αΈαα²α· αααΊαα±α¬ααΊαα° α‘ααΌα±ααΌα―αα±αΈαα¬αΈαα¬αΈαα²α· α‘αα―αΆαΈαα» αααΊαΈααα¬ αα―ααΊαα±α¬ααΊαα»ααΊ ααΌα αΊαα«αααΊα
Python 6
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