Is from San Francisco, California
San Francisco, California
Is from Mountain View, CA
Mountain View, CA
Is from Where there are bits and bytes
Where there are bits and bytes
Works for University of Houston
University of Houston
Works for Exxa @withexxa
Exxa @withexxa
Works for Tractian
Works for KScale Labs
KScale Labs
Is from South Korea
South Korea
Works for S2 Factory, Inc.
S2 Factory, Inc.
Works for Oplyst International, LLC
Oplyst International, LLC
Is from San Francisco
San Francisco
Works for Retired
Is from Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
Is from Germany / Berlin
Germany / Berlin
Works for RealmOfRa
Works for @celonis
Is from Saratov, Russia
Saratov, Russia
Is from St. Louis, United States
St. Louis, United States
Works for @PTZOptics
Is from Bangalore
Is from under the carpet
under the carpet
Works for Politecnico di Milano
Politecnico di Milano
Works for Microsoft
Is from Ravensburg, Germany
Ravensburg, Germany
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