Dockerized Nodejs service, built on top of official Debian images with supervisor.
- thinegan/debian-nodejs:jessie (Debian GNU/Linux 8)
- [11, bullseye, latest (bullseye/docker/Dockerfile)]
- supervisor
- nodejs - v7.9.0
- npm - 4.5.0
- Dependencies Package: package.json
- server app.js
- path /var/nodejs/
- supervisor run : /usr/bin/node /var/nodejs/app.js
- exposed port 8080
- default command: /usr/bin/supervisord
$docker run -d -P --name test_nodejs thinegan/debian-nodejs:jessie
$docker port test_nodejs 8080
$curl http://localhost:32781
Hello, welcome to our first contained application!
If you run into any problems with this image, please check (and potentially file new) issues on the thinegan/debian-nodejs repo, which is the source for this image.