A lightweight utility to remove Unicode emojis from text strings while preserving specified characters.
npm install strip-emojis
# or
yarn add strip-emojis
import { stripEmojis } from 'strip-emojis';
// Basic usage
stripEmojis('Hello 👋 World 🌍'); // Returns: 'Hello World '
// Preserve specific emojis
stripEmojis('Hello 👋 World 🌍', {
preserve: ['👋']
}); // Returns: 'Hello 👋 World '
// Replace with custom string
stripEmojis('Hello 👋 World 🌍', {
replaceWith: ' [emoji] '
}); // Returns: 'Hello [emoji] World [emoji] '
Strips emojis from text based on provided options.
(string): Input text to processoptions
(StripOptions, optional): Configuration options
interface StripOptions {
// Remove Unicode emojis when true
removeEmojis?: boolean; // default: true
// List of emojis to preserve
preserve?: string[]; // default: []
// String to replace removed emojis
replaceWith?: string; // default: ''
- Comprehensive Unicode 15.0 emoji support
- Configurable preservation of specific emojis
- Custom replacement strings
- TypeScript support
- Zero dependencies