Welcome to my portfolio! This is where I'll keep a bunch of my open-source projects for potential commissioners to view, as well as screenshots/GIFs of closed-source projects, or links to them where possible.
Realistic Jr. is my verified Discord Bot, and is currently still a WIP as per the newest version. While the source is private for obvious reasons, you may visit the website here or invite the bot here. It is a multipurpose bot with numerous commands, currently all in slash commands.
Lava Java Cafe was one of my first proper website commissions, accompanied with a feature-rich Discord bot.
The website features Discord oAuth2 usage for logins, a way to apply for ranks or partnerships and a way to appeal bans, as well as a ton of information for the group.
The bot includes a multitude of commands with aliases, restricted to specific roles and users.
It includes Roblox intergrated commands as you can see, as well as