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Official Proximax Storage (Version 2) - Java SDK

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Official ProximaX P2P Storage Java SDK


ProximaX is a project that utilizes the NEM blockchain technology with the IPFS P2P storage technology to form a very powerful proofing solution for documents or files which are stored in an immutable and irreversible manner, similar to the blockchain technology solutions.

Getting started with ProximaX Storage Java SDK

The Storage SDK allows developers to store content on the blockchain. There are currently two primary functions available: Upload and Download.

Generate Catapult test account

ProximaX has a running Catapult MIJIN_TEST blockchain network for testing and development purposes. The available node to connect to is

Create a test account by using the NEM2 CLI. NodeJS installation is required.

Install NEM2-CLI (use sudo as needed)

npm install --global nem2-cli

Initiate account generation. nem2-cli account generate

Enter details as required. Network type should be MIJIN_TEST and Node URL is

Do you want to save it? [y/n]: y
Introduce NEM 2 Node URL. (Example: http://localhost:3000):
Insert profile name (blank means default and it could overwrite the previous profile): my_test_acct
Public Key:     C67E508956FF8E5897AD2AE045F0C7B53ED5A12A9EF19A5943456EB488946A6E
Private Key:    0C44069C3A1D1D34AF80F8FC1D7258DAB8114C023C42B058A64268E48E5C4351

Save the generate keys and address.

Get your XPX Test Tokens

Upload function of the storage SDK will consume XPX tokens.

Get XPX tokens at the XPX faucet

Adding Jitpack Repository

Storage SDK libraries are hosted on Jitpack. Add the JitPack repository on the build file.




allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Adding the storage SDK

Add the storage SDK as dependency. Replace the version with the latest available.




compile 'io.proximax:java-chain-xipfs-sdk:0.1.0-beta.1'


    @Grab(group='io.proximax', module='java-chain-xipfs-sdk', version='0.1.0-beta.1')

Create connection config to use

The storage SDK needs to connect to the a file storage (eg. IPFS) and a blockchain network node (eg. Catapult) to do most of its functions. The required connection config would depend on the peer setup applicable to the DApp.

There are primarily two peer setups for DApps

  1. Local peer setup - the DApp would like to have its own IPFS node running locally linked to the ProximaX IPFS network. This setup keeps file copies on the local IPFS node which is ideal if performance is important.
  2. Remote peer setup - the DApp is a thin client (eg. mobile app, web app) and would connect remotely to use the storage. This setup connects to the PromximaX storage node that encapsulates both file storage and blockchain node.

Connection config for local peer setup

A local peer setup requires individual connections to both blockchain network node and file storage node.

Note: To ease the testing for development purposes, ProximaX have added IPFS nodes running with port 5001 open.The URLs are and

ConnectionConfig connectionConfig = ConnectionConfig.createWithLocalIpfsConnection(
    new BlockchainNetworkConnection(
    new IpfsConnection(

Blockchain Connection parameters

field required allowed values description
networkType yes should be one of Catapult's network eg. MIJIN_TEST Catapult network which is required to do on some blockchain-related actions
apiHost yes domain or IP the domain or IP of blockchain API
apiPort yes int the port of blockchain API
apiProtocol yes http or https the scheme used of blockchain API

For running your own Catapult blockchain locally, please refer to Catapult Service Bootstrap.

IPFS Connection parameters

field required allowed values description
apiHost yes domain or IP the domain or IP of local IPFS API
apiPort yes int the port of local IPFS API

For running IPFS locally, please refer to IPFS.

Connection config for remote peer setup

A remote peer setup only requires connection to ProximaX storage node. A blockchain connection can also be set to use a different node than the one associated with the storage node.

Note: ProximaX currently has no running storage node for development and testing purposes.

Here is an example of connecting to storage connection.

ConnectionConfig connectionConfig = ConnectionConfig.createWithStorageConnection(
    new StorageConnection(
Storage Connection parameters
field required allowed values description
apiHost yes domain or IP the domain or IP of storage API
apiPort yes int the port of storage API
apiProtocol yes http or https the scheme used of storage API
bearerToken yes string the bearer token to allow access to storage API
nemAddress yes string the NEM address to allow access to storage API

Uploading content

The storage SDK allows upload of a variety of data like file and URL resource.

At the minimum, each upload requires the data being uploaded and the private key of the signer of blockchain transaction.

Here is the complete list of parameters that can be configured on each upload.

field required allowed values description
data yes any of the upload parameter data the content to upload and its details
signerPrivateKey yes string of valid hex on the blockchain network private key of signer of the blockchain transaction
recipientPublicKey no string of valid hex on the blockchain network public key of recipient of the blockchain transaction

if both recipientPublicKey and recipientAddress are not provided, recipient will be also the signer
recipientAddress no string of valid hex on the blockchain network address of recipient of the blockchain transaction

if both recipientPublicKey and recipientAddress are not provided, recipient will be also the signer
computeDigest  no

default is false
true or false when true, computes the digest of data
when false, digest calculation is not done
detectContentType no

default is false
true or false determines whether to detect content type when not provided
transactionDeadline no

default is 12 hours
1 to 23

in hours
determines how long the transaction can wait to be confirmed
privacyStrategy no

default is no or plain privacy
any of the privacy strategy implementation

(see privacy strategy section)
the privacy strategy that will encrypt the data

Here are the common details of an upload parameter data.

field required allowed values description
description no string

(200 char limit)
a searchable description for the data
metadata no string to string key-value map

(500 char limit based on JSON equivalent)
a searchable key-value map  where lookup by key and key-value can be done
name no string 

(200 char limit)
a searchable name for the data
contentType no string of content type

(50 char limit)
the content type of the file uploaded

The following are example on how to create the parameters for the different data that can be uploaded.

Building parameter for file upload
File file = new File("test.txt");
UploadParameter param = UploadParameter
    .createForFileUpload(file, "<private key>")
Building parameter for file upload with extra details
File file = new File("test.txt");
UploadParameter param = UploadParameter
                    "file description", 
                    "file name",
                    singletonMap("filekey", "filename")),
            "<private key>")
Building parameter for byte array upload
byte[] bytearray = ...;
UploadParameter param = UploadParameter
    .createForByteArrayUpload(bytearray, "<private key>")
Building parameter for byte array upload with extra details
byte[] bytearray = ...;
UploadParameter param = UploadParameter
                    "byte array description", 
                    "byte array",
                    singletonMap("bytearraykey", "bytearrayval")),
            "<private key>")
Building parameter for string upload
String string = "ProximaX";
UploadParameter param = UploadParameter
    .createForStringUpload(string, "<private key>")
Building parameter for string upload with extra details
String string = "ProximaX";
UploadParameter param = UploadParameter
                    "string description", 
                    "string name",
                    singletonMap("keystring", "valstring")),
            "<private key>")
Building parameter for URL resource upload
URL url = new URL(...);
UploadParameter param = UploadParameter
    .createForUrlResourceUpload(url, "<private key>")
Building parameter for URL resource upload with extra details
URL url = new URL(...);
UploadParameter param = UploadParameter
                    "url description",
                    "url name", 
                    singletonMap("urlkey", "urlval")),
            "<private key>")
Building parameter for zip upload from list of files
List<File> filesToZip = ...;
UploadParameter param = UploadParameter
    .createForFilesAsZipUpload(filesToZip, "<private key>")
Building parameter for zip upload from list of files with extra details
List<File> filesToZip = ...;
UploadParameter param = UploadParameter
                    "zip description",
                    "zip name", 
                    singletonMap("zipkey", "zipvalue")),
            "<private key>")
Building parameter for path upload

Important note: Uploading path is by default public on IPFS. Please be careful when loading a directory as it exposes it the open public gateways

This is only supported for local peer setup.

File path = new File("../test");
UploadParameter param = UploadParameter
    .createForPathUpload(path, "<private key>")
Building parameter for path upload with extra details
File path = new File("../test");
UploadParameter param = UploadParameter
                    "path description", 
                    "path name", 
                    singletonMap("pathkey", "pathval")),
            "<private key>")

Uploading using the parameter

Once the UploadParameter is ready, create an instance Uploader by passing the ConnectionConfig and then uploading using the parameter. The UploadResult contains the blockchain transaction hash and the IPFS data hash which can be used to retrieve the uploaded content.

Uploader uploader = new Uploader(connectionConfig);
UploadResult result = uploader.upload(param);

result.getTransactionHash(); // the blockchain transaction hash
result.getData().getDataHash(); // the IPFS data hash

Downloading content

The Storage SDK supports two types of download.

  • Complete download - the usual download which retrieves content together with its metainfo
  • Direct download - the download which retrieves only the content

Complete download

A complete download is done by providing a hash of a blockchain transaction that has an uploaded content.

Here are the parameters.

field required allowed values description
transactionHash yes string of valid transaction hash the blockchain transaction hash of an upload instance
privacyStrategy no

default is no or plain privacy
any of the privacy strategy implementation

(see privacy strategy section)
the privacy strategy to decrypt the data
validateDigest no

default is false
true or false whether to validate the content is accurate.

ignored if digest is not calculated when content was uploaded

Build the DownloadParameter which will be used to download.

String transactionHash = ...;
DownloadParameter param = DownloadParameter.create(transactionHash).build();

Create a Downloader instance using the ConnectionConfig and download using the parameter. The DownloadResult contains the content details and the content itself available as a stream.

Downloader downloader = new Downloader(connectionConfig);
DownloadResult result =;

result.getData().getByteStream(); // the stream of the content itself
result.getData().getTimestamp(); // the timestamp of the upload

Direct download

A direct download is done either by providing the blockchain transaction hash or the IPFS data hash.

Here are the parameters.

field required allowed values description
transactionHash one of transactionHash and dataHash is required string of valid transaction hash the blockchain transaction hash of an upload instance
dataHash one of transactionHash and dataHash is required string of data hash of IPFS hash for the uploaded data on IPFS
validateDigest no

default is false

can be set only when download by transactionHash
true or false whether to validate the content is accurate.

ignored if digest is not calculated when content was uploaded
digest no

can be set only when download by dataHash
sha-256 hex digest of data digest to verify that the content is accurate
privacyStrategy no

default is no or plain privacy
any of the privacy strategy implementation

(see privacy strategy section)
the privacy strategy to decrypt the data

Build the DirectDownloadParameter which will be used to download.

if downloading by transaction hash

String transactionHash = ...;
DirectDownloadParameter param = 

if downloading by data hash

String dataHash = ...;
DirectDownloadParameter param = 

Create a Downloader instance using the ConnectionConfig and download using the parameter.

Downloader downloader = new Downloader(connectionConfig);
InputStream result = unitUnderTest.directDownload(param);

Securing content with Privacy Strategies

By default, any upload uses a plain privacy strategy and does not encrypt content.

In order to secure the content, privacy strategies can be configured as part of the UploadParameter creation. The same can be done on download to ensure data is properly decrypted.

Note: Setting privacy strategy has no effect when uploading path.

The following are list of available privacy strategies that out-of-the-box with the Storage SDK.

NEM keys privacy strategy

This uses a NEM private key and another public key to encrypt the content using Ed25519 (EdDSA).

UploadParameter param = UploadParameter
    .createForStringUpload("test string", "<private key>")
    .withNemKeysPrivacy("<private key>", "<public key>")

Password privacy strategy

This uses a password with at least 10 characters to encrypt the content.

UploadParameter param = UploadParameter
    .createForStringUpload("test string", "<private key>")

Custom privacy strategy

Developers can implement their own encryption and decryption strategy by extending the CustomPrivacyStrategy.

UploadParameter param = UploadParameter
    .createForStringUpload("test string", "<private key>")
    .withPrivacyStrategy(new CustomPrivacyStrategy(){
        public InputStream encryptStream(InputStream byteStream) {
            return null; // developer encryption strategy

        public InputStream decryptStream(InputStream byteStream) {
            return null; // developer decryption strategy

Asynchronous functions

All functions of Storage SDK can be called asynchronously.

The SDK provides an AsyncCallbacks which would handle the result of functionality once ready. When an asynchronous function is called, it will send back an AsyncTask which holds the state of function call. Currently however, only the done flag is usable.

Sample for uploadAsync

AsyncTask asyncTask = uploader.uploadAsync(param, 
        (UploadResult result) -> System.out.println(result),
        (Throwable ex) -> System.out.println(ex)));

asyncTask.isDone(); // check done status

Websocket / Monitoring / Listener

Catapult transactions can be monitored through websockets

NEM SDKs have Listener classes to simplify subscribing to websocket channels. It uses RxJava Observables.

Below is a quick example on how to use Listener to wait for upload transaction to be confirmed.

final Listener listener = new Listener("");;

// wait for transaction to be confirmed
final Transaction transaction = listener.confirmed(Address.createFromRawAddress("<address of signer>"))
    .filter(confirmedTxn ->
                    .map(hash -> hash.equals("<upload transaction hash>"))

** Please note websocket monitoring is a pub-sub which means if a message was sent prior to listening, the message was missed already and not gonna arrive again.**

Here are some other usages of Listener. For more details, visit this link.

// wait for one any confirmed transaction of address
listener.confirmed(Address.createFromRawAddress("<an address>")).blockingFirst(); 

// wait for one any failed transaction of address
listener.status(Address.createFromRawAddress("<an address>")).blockingFirst(); 

// wait for one added unconfirmed transaction of address
listener.unconfirmedAdded(Address.createFromRawAddress("<an address>")).blockingFirst(); 

// wait for one removed unconfirmed transaction of address 
listener.unconfirmedRemoved(Address.createFromRawAddress("<an address>")).blockingFirst(); 

// wait for one added aggregated bonded transaction of address 
listener.aggregateBondedAdded(Address.createFromRawAddress("<an address>")).blockingFirst(); 

// wait for one removed aggregated bonded transaction of address 
listener.aggregateBondedRemoved(Address.createFromRawAddress("<an address>")).blockingFirst(); 

// wait for one added cosignature transaction of address 
listener.cosignatureAdded(Address.createFromRawAddress("<an address>")).blockingFirst(); 

// wait for one newly added block

Head over to RxJava to know more about Observables and what operators can be used.

Error and Troubleshooting

Upload failures will result in UploadFailureException.

  • Due announce transaction failures such as insufficient funds
  • Due to announce transaction timeouts
  • Due to connection failures to IPFS
  • Due to connection failures to Blockchain node

Complete and direct download failures will generally return DownloadFailureException and DirectDownloadFailureException.

  • Due to invalid transaction hash
  • Due to transaction not yet confirmed on blockchain
  • Due to not a transfer transaction with an upload
  • Due to failed digest validation
  • Due to connection failures to IPFS
  • Due to connection failures to Blockchain node

If the wrong privacy strategy is used, direct download and retrieval of data stream via DownloadResult.getByteStream() will result to IOException.


We'd love to get more people involve in the project. We're looking for enthusiastic conitrbutors that can help us improve the library. Contributing is simple, you can start by

  • Test the SDK and raise an issue.
  • Pick up a task, code and raise a PR

Copyright (c) 2018 ProximaX Limited


Official Proximax Storage (Version 2) - Java SDK






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