Simple file manager script to manipulate with files on the remote server. Just upload this script to some server and open it in the web browser.
Available function:
- List directory
- Open subfolders recursively
- Create new folder
- Delete file/folder recursively
- Change permissions of file/folder recursively (with ability to specify permissions for files and directories separately)
- Unpack ZIP archives to some folder
- Pack any folder or file to ZIP archive
- Pack root folder or file to ZIP archive
The main magic of it is that all the operations are made by php functions, which means server is doing them. So everything is much faster than doing it classicaly via FTP.
Useful for website administrators, which needs to move their projects to different servers.
This project is written to be one-file only. Only resources it uses are jQuery and bootstrap libraries, delivered over CDN. If you want to make it work offline, just edit the header with resources locations.