This is a map editor for game servers that derivied from OpenTibia server project.
It is a fork of a Map Editor created by Remere.
You can find an engine compatible with OTBM format at OTAcademy, OTLand, OpenTibiaBR or other OT communities.
Visit OTAcademy discord if you are looking for support or updates.
Contributions are very welcome, if you would like to make any changes, fork this project or request commit access.
Please, if you would like to contribute anything, documentation, extensions or code speak up!
Have you found a bug? Please create an issue in our bug tracker
- To host your MMORPG game server, you can use The Forgotten Server Plus.
- To play your MMORPG game, you can use OTClient 1.0
- To map your MMORPG game, you can use this map editor.
You can find official releases at this repository releases page.
required only vcpkg setup:
required vcpkg setup:
Required libraries:
- wxWidgets >= 3.0
- Boost >= 1.55.0
- 32-bit :
vcpkg install wxwidgets freeglut asio nlohmann-json fmt libarchive boost-spirit
- 64-bit :
vcpkg install --triplet x64-windows wxwidgets freeglut asio nlohmann-json fmt libarchive boost-spirit