- Pro
🌱 EcoLogits tracks the energy consumption and environmental footprint of using generative AI models through APIs.
Scraper for public LinkedIn Newsletters and make them accessible by a RSS feed.
Data repository for my blog series on microprocessor trend data.
This is a MIRROR from https://gitlab.com/hubblo/carenage/
Enhance your Oryx layout with advanced QMK features like Achordion, while retaining the ability to edit it via Oryx, then build it seamlessly with GitHub Actions
arXiv LaTeX Cleaner: Easily clean the LaTeX code of your paper to submit to arXiv
🛠 Giving access to BOAVIZTA reference data and methodologies trough a RESTful API
Page de suivi et d'historisation de l'état du trafic des
PowerAPI is a Python framework for building software-defined power meters.
Publication d'un outil de modélisation environnemental de cycle de vie du logiciel, associé à la publication d'un article de recherche
💾 Boavizta.org Data repository