First of all, I would like to thank wang-xinyu, isarsoft, ultralytics.
My repo was heavily based on both of these repositories.
This repo implemented YOLOV5 based on Tensorrt engine and Triton Inference Server
docker pull tienln/tensorrt:8.0.3_opencv
docker pull tienln/ubuntu:18.04_conda
docker pull
Open new terminal
cd yourworkingdirectoryhere
git clone -b v5.0
git clone -b yolov5-v5.0
Open new terminal
cd yourworkingdirectoryhere
cp tensorrtx/yolov5/ yolov5
cd yolov5
docker run -it --rm --gpus all -v $PWD:/yolov5 tienln/ubuntu:18.04_conda /bin/bash
cd /yolov5
conda activate yolov5
python -w -o yolov5s.wts
Open new terminal
cd yourworkingdirectoryhere
cp yolov5/yolov5s.wts tensorrtx/yolov5
cd tensorrtx/yolov5
docker run -it --rm --gpus all -v $PWD:/yolov5 tienln/tensorrt:8.0.3_opencv /bin/bash
cd /yolov5
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j16
./yolov5 -s ../yolov5s.wts ../yolov5s.engine s
Open new terminal
cd yourworkingdirectoryhere
mkdir -p triton_deploy/models/yolov5/1/
mkdir triton_deploy/plugins
cp tensorrtx/yolov5/yolov5s.engine triton_deploy/models/yolov5/1/model.plan
cp tensorrtx/yolov5/build/ triton_deploy/plugins/
Run Triron
docker run \
--gpus all \
--rm \
-p9000:8000 -p9001:8001 -p9002:8002 \
-v $(pwd)/triton_deploy/models:/models \
-v $(pwd)/triton_deploy/plugins:/plugins \
--env LD_PRELOAD=/plugins/ \ tritonserver \
--model-repository=/models \
--strict-model-config=false \
--log-verbose 1
Open new terminal
cd yourworkingdirectoryhere
cd clients/yolov5
docker run -it --rm --gpus all --network host -v $PWD:/client tienln/ubuntu:18.04_conda /bin/bash
conda activate yolov5
pip install tritonclient
cd /client
python -o data/dog_result.jpg image data/dog.jpg