This is a multisend smart contracts in Rust built to run on Cosmos SDK module on all chains that enable it. The project was built and tested for the Terra network.
This project covers all that is required to build, deploy and interact with the smart contract on the Terra blockchain. The main parts of the project are:
- The contract (this page)
- The deployment scripts in scripts
- A basic CLI client application to send and receive Terra/Luna as well as interact with the deployed contract: multisender-client
Each part has its own README and instructions
The contract is written in Rust
and is compiled to wasm. The contract receives a list of addresses and amounts, and distributes the passed coins to these addresses.
The amount sent to the contract must be enough to cover the outgoing payments.
The contract also includes a possible fee, set on contract initialization. The fee is paid to the contract owner and must be added to the total payment received by the contract when creating a transaction. The script in multisender-client queries the contract and adds the required fee to the transaction.
Building the contract requires an up-to-date Rust
version with wasm
rustup default stable
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
For further details, consult the official Terra documentation for setting up the environment.
As a live test environment, it is recommended to use LocalTerra. Follow the installation process of LocalTerra in the link
Clone the contract to a new environment.
git clone
Make sure the project compiles by running
cargo wasm
This will build an unoptimized version of the contract, just to make sure the compilation works. To build an optimized version that can be uploaded to the blockchain, run
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
--mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \
--mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \
More instructions on building and developing the contract in Developing
Once the contract is compiled, go to scripts to deploy the contract using Terra.js
The Terra blockchain supports sending multiple payments simultaneously via a MsgMultiSend
. Still, the contract could be useful for several use cases:
- Integration with other smart contracts
- Sending ERC20/CW20 tokens (in future versions)
- Collecting payment for the provided service
The contract can be also easily extended to perform additional tasks, such as swapping tokens to the required coin etc.
In the demo, the contract sends a batch of transactors to the addresses specified in the CSV. The The address of sending address gets funds removed, and added to the specified addresses. This is easy to practice in LocalTerra, as it several addresses with funds for testing. Do not use these addresses in production
Publishing contains useful information on how to publish your contract, once you are ready to deploy it on a running blockchain. Importing contains information about pulling in other contracts or crates that have been published.