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[Example] Add Split-K and Stream-K Examples and move MLA from fld to …
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…mla (#110)

* Add DeepSeek MLA decode example with Flash Attention implementation

* Add GEMM SplitK and StreamK example implementations

This commit introduces two new example scripts demonstrating advanced GEMM (matrix multiplication) techniques:
- ``: Implements a Split-K GEMM kernel using TileLang
- ``: Implements a Stream-K GEMM kernel using TileLang

Both examples showcase different parallel computation strategies for matrix multiplication, with comprehensive testing using PyTorch reference implementations.

* Refactor GEMM SplitK and StreamK example implementations

Clean up and improve code formatting for the SplitK and StreamK GEMM example scripts:
- Remove unused import (Profiler) in splitk example
- Simplify line breaks and improve code readability
- Standardize indentation and remove unnecessary whitespace
- Optimize atomic add and copy operations for better clarity
  • Loading branch information
LeiWang1999 authored Feb 23, 2025
1 parent f08efcc commit e055782
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Showing 4 changed files with 537 additions and 0 deletions.
Empty file removed examples/deepseek_mla/.gitkeep
Empty file.
267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions examples/deepseek_mla/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import tilelang
from tilelang.autotuner import *
import tilelang.language as T

num_split = 4

def flashattn(batch, heads, kv_head_num, seqlen_kv, dim, pe_dim, block_N, block_H):
scale = (1.0 / (dim + pe_dim))**0.5 * 1.44269504 # log2(e)
shape_q = [batch, heads, (dim + pe_dim)]
shape_k = [batch, seqlen_kv, kv_head_num, (dim + pe_dim)]
shape_v = [batch, seqlen_kv, kv_head_num, dim]
shape_o = [batch, heads, dim]
part_shape = [batch, heads, num_split, dim]
dtype = "float16"
accum_dtype = "float"
kv_group_num = heads // kv_head_num
VALID_BLOCK_H = min(block_H, kv_group_num)
assert kv_head_num == 1, "kv_head_num must be 1"

def flash_attn_split(
Q: T.Buffer(shape_q, dtype),
K: T.Buffer(shape_k, dtype),
V: T.Buffer(shape_v, dtype),
glse: T.Buffer([batch, heads, num_split], dtype),
Output_partial: T.Buffer(part_shape, dtype),
with T.Kernel(
batch, heads // min(block_H, kv_group_num), num_split, threads=128) as (bx, by, bz):
Q_shared = T.alloc_shared([block_H, (dim + pe_dim)], dtype)
K_shared = T.alloc_shared([block_N, (dim + pe_dim)], dtype)
V_shared = T.alloc_shared([block_N, dim], dtype)
O_shared = T.alloc_shared([block_H, dim], dtype)
acc_s = T.alloc_fragment([block_H, block_N], accum_dtype)
acc_s_cast = T.alloc_fragment([block_H, block_N], dtype)
acc_o = T.alloc_fragment([block_H, dim], accum_dtype)
scores_max = T.alloc_fragment([block_H], accum_dtype)
scores_max_prev = T.alloc_fragment([block_H], accum_dtype)
scores_scale = T.alloc_fragment([block_H], accum_dtype)
scores_sum = T.alloc_fragment([block_H], accum_dtype)
logsum = T.alloc_fragment([block_H], accum_dtype)

bid = bx
hid = by
sid = bz
cur_kv_head = hid // (kv_group_num // block_H)

O_shared: tilelang.layout.make_swizzled_layout(O_shared),

T.copy(Q[bid, hid * VALID_BLOCK_H:(hid + 1) * VALID_BLOCK_H, :], Q_shared)
T.fill(acc_o, 0)
T.fill(logsum, 0)
T.fill(scores_max, -T.infinity(accum_dtype))

loop_range = T.ceildiv((seqlen_kv // num_split), block_N)
for k in T.Pipelined(loop_range, num_stages=1):
K[bid, (seqlen_kv // num_split) * sid +
k * block_N:(seqlen_kv // num_split) * sid + (k + 1) * block_N,
cur_kv_head, :], K_shared)
T.gemm(Q_shared, K_shared, acc_s, transpose_B=True, policy=T.GemmWarpPolicy.FullRow)
T.copy(scores_max, scores_max_prev)
T.fill(scores_max, -T.infinity(accum_dtype))
T.reduce_max(acc_s, scores_max, dim=1, clear=False)
for i in T.Parallel(block_H):
scores_scale[i] = T.exp2(scores_max_prev[i] * scale - scores_max[i] * scale)
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_H, block_N):
acc_s[i, j] = T.exp2(acc_s[i, j] * scale - scores_max[i] * scale)
T.reduce_sum(acc_s, scores_sum, dim=1)
for i in T.Parallel(block_H):
logsum[i] = logsum[i] * scores_scale[i] + scores_sum[i]
T.copy(acc_s, acc_s_cast)
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_H, dim):
acc_o[i, j] *= scores_scale[i]
V[bid, (seqlen_kv // num_split) * sid +
k * block_N:(seqlen_kv // num_split) * sid + (k + 1) * block_N,
cur_kv_head, :], V_shared)
T.gemm(acc_s_cast, V_shared, acc_o, policy=T.GemmWarpPolicy.FullRow)
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_H, dim):
acc_o[i, j] /= logsum[i]
for i in T.Parallel(block_H):
logsum[i] = T.log2(logsum[i]) + scores_max[i] * scale

T.copy(logsum, glse[bid, hid * VALID_BLOCK_H:(hid + 1) * VALID_BLOCK_H, sid])
T.copy(acc_o, O_shared)
T.copy(O_shared, Output_partial[bid, hid * VALID_BLOCK_H:(hid + 1) * VALID_BLOCK_H,
sid, :])

def combine(
glse: T.Buffer([batch, heads, num_split], dtype),
Output_partial: T.Buffer(part_shape, dtype),
Output: T.Buffer(shape_o, dtype),
with T.Kernel(heads, batch, threads=128) as (by, bz):
po_local = T.alloc_fragment([dim], dtype)
o_accum_local = T.alloc_fragment([dim], accum_dtype)
lse_local = T.alloc_fragment([num_split, 1], dtype)
lse_local_split = T.alloc_local([1], accum_dtype)
lse_logsum_local = T.alloc_local([1], accum_dtype)
lse_max_local = T.alloc_fragment([1], accum_dtype)
scale_local = T.alloc_local([1], accum_dtype)

lse_logsum_local: T.Fragment(lse_logsum_local.shape, forward_thread_fn=lambda i: i),

for k in T.Parallel(num_split):
lse_local[k, 0] = glse[bz, by, k]
T.reduce_max(lse_local, lse_max_local, dim=0, clear=True)
for k in T.Pipelined(num_split, num_stages=1):
lse_local_split[0] = glse[bz, by, k]
lse_logsum_local[0] += T.exp2(lse_local_split[0] - lse_max_local[0])
lse_logsum_local[0] = T.log2(lse_logsum_local[0]) + lse_max_local[0]
for k in T.serial(num_split):
for i in T.Parallel(dim):
po_local[i] = Output_partial[bz, by, k, i]
lse_local_split[0] = glse[bz, by, k]
scale_local[0] = T.exp2(lse_local_split[0] - lse_logsum_local[0])
for i in T.Parallel(dim):
o_accum_local[i] += po_local[i] * scale_local[0]
for i in T.Parallel(dim):
Output[bz, by, i] = o_accum_local[i]

def main(
Q: T.Buffer(shape_q, dtype),
K: T.Buffer(shape_k, dtype),
V: T.Buffer(shape_v, dtype),
glse: T.Buffer([batch, heads, num_split], dtype),
Output_partial: T.Buffer(part_shape, dtype), # [batch, heads, num_split, dim]
Output: T.Buffer(shape_o, dtype),
flash_attn_split(Q, K, V, glse, Output_partial)
combine(glse, Output_partial, Output)

return main

def ref_program(query, key, value, glse, Output_partial):
# """
# Inputs:
# - query (Tensor): [batch, heads, dim]
# - key (Tensor): [batch, seqlen_kv, kv_head_num, dim]
# - value (Tensor): [batch, seqlen_kv, kv_head_num, dim]

# Outputs:
# - output (Tensor): [batch, heads, dim]
# """
from einops import rearrange
batch_size, query_heads, dim = query.shape # [batch_size, query_heads, dim]
_, seqlen_kv, kv_heads, _ = key.shape # [batch_size, seqlen_kv, kv_heads, kv_dim]
dim_v = value.shape[-1]
assert kv_heads == 1, "kv_heads must be 1"

query_expanded = rearrange(query, 'b h d -> b h 1 d') # [batch_size, query_heads, 1, dim]
key_expanded = key.expand(-1, -1, query_heads, -1) # [batch_size, query_heads, seqlen_kv, dim]
value_expanded = value.expand(-1, -1, query_heads,
-1) # [batch_size, query_heads, seqlen_kv, dim]
key_expanded = rearrange(key_expanded,
'b n h d -> b h n d') # [batch_size, kv_head_num, seqlen_kv, dim]
value_expanded = rearrange(value_expanded,
'b n h d -> b h n d') # [batch_size, query_heads, seqlen_kv, dim]

scores = torch.matmul(query_expanded,
key_expanded.transpose(-1, -2)) # [batch_size, query_heads, 1, seqlen_kv]
scores = scores / torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(dim, dtype=scores.dtype))
attention_weights = F.softmax(scores, dim=-1) # [batch_size, query_heads, 1, seqlen_kv]
output = torch.matmul(attention_weights, value_expanded) # [batch_size, query_heads, 1, dim]
return output.view(batch_size, query_heads, dim_v)

def flash_split_ref(Q, K, V):
dim = 512
pe_dim = 64
batch = Q.size(0)
nheads = Q.size(1)
assert Q.size(2) == dim + pe_dim, "dim must be 576=512+64"
block_N = 32
seqlen_kv = K.size(1)

scale = (1.0 / (dim + pe_dim))**0.5 * 1.44269504 # log2(e)
acc_s = torch.empty((batch, nheads, block_N), device="cuda", dtype=torch.float)
acc_s_cast = torch.empty((batch, nheads, block_N), device="cuda", dtype=torch.float16)
acc_o = torch.empty((batch, nheads, dim), device="cuda", dtype=torch.float)
scores_max = torch.empty((batch, nheads), device="cuda", dtype=torch.float)
scores_max_prev = torch.empty((batch, nheads), device="cuda", dtype=torch.float)
scores_scale = torch.empty((batch, nheads), device="cuda", dtype=torch.float)
scores_sum = torch.empty((batch, nheads), device="cuda", dtype=torch.float)
logsum = torch.empty((batch, nheads), device="cuda", dtype=torch.float)
gacc_o = torch.empty((num_split, batch, nheads, dim), device="cuda", dtype=torch.float)
glogsum = torch.empty((num_split, batch, nheads), device="cuda", dtype=torch.float)

Q_ = Q * scale
K_ = K.expand(-1, -1, nheads, -1)
V_ = V.expand(-1, -1, nheads, -1)

for ks in range(num_split):
for i in range(int((seqlen_kv // num_split) / block_N)):
acc_s = torch.einsum('bhd,bkhd->bhk', Q_,
K_[:, (seqlen_kv // num_split) * ks +
i * block_N:(seqlen_kv // num_split) * ks +
(i + 1) * block_N, :, :]) # [batch, nheads, block_N]
scores_max_prev = scores_max
scores_max = acc_s.max(dim=-1, keepdim=False).values # [batch, nheads]
scores_scale = torch.exp2(scores_max_prev - scores_max) # [batch, nheads]
acc_o *= scores_scale[:, :, None]
acc_s = torch.exp2(acc_s - scores_max[:, :, None])
acc_s_cast = # [batch, nheads, block_N]
acc_o += torch.einsum(
'bhk,bkhd->bhd', acc_s_cast,
V_[:, (seqlen_kv // num_split) * ks + i * block_N:(seqlen_kv // num_split) * ks +
(i + 1) * block_N, :, :])
scores_sum = acc_s.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=False)
logsum = logsum * scores_scale + scores_sum
acc_o /= logsum[:, :, None]
logsum = torch.log2(logsum) + scores_max
gacc_o[ks, :, :, :] = acc_o
glogsum[ks, :, :] = logsum

return, 2, 0),, 2, 0, 3)

def reduce_ref(Q, K, V, glse, Output_partial):
o = torch.empty_like(Output_partial[:, :, 0, :]).fill_(0)
lse_logsum = torch.empty_like(glse[:, :, 0]).fill_(0)
lse_max = glse.max(dim=2, keepdim=False).values
for ks in range(num_split):
lse = glse[:, :, ks]
lse_logsum += torch.exp2(lse - lse_max)
lse_logsum = torch.log2(lse_logsum) + lse_max
for ks in range(num_split):
lse = glse[:, :, ks]
scale = torch.exp2(lse - lse_logsum)
o += Output_partial[:, :, ks, :] * scale[:, :, None]

if __name__ == "__main__":
BATCH, H_Q, KV_H, KV_CTX, D_HEAD, DPE = 64, 128, 1, 8192, 512, 64
qk_flops = 2 * BATCH * H_Q * KV_CTX * (D_HEAD + DPE)
pv_flops = 2 * BATCH * H_Q * KV_CTX * D_HEAD
total_flops = qk_flops + pv_flops
BLOCK_N = 32 # if D_HEAD <= 128 else 32
BLOCK_H = 64

program = flashattn(BATCH, H_Q, KV_H, KV_CTX, D_HEAD, DPE, BLOCK_N, BLOCK_H)
mod, params = tilelang.lower(program)
mod = tilelang.Profiler(mod, params, [5], tilelang.TensorSupplyType.Normal)
mod.assert_allclose(ref_program, rtol=0.01, atol=0.01)
latency = mod.do_bench(mod.func, warmup=500)
print("Tile-lang: {:.2f} ms".format(latency))
print("Tile-lang: {:.2f} TFlops".format(total_flops / latency * 1e-9))
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions examples/gemm_splitk/
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@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import tilelang
import tilelang.language as T
from tvm import DataType

def matmul(M, N, K, block_M, block_N, block_K, split_k, dtype="float16", accum_dtype="float"):

splitK = K // split_k

def main(
A: T.Buffer((M, K), dtype),
B: T.Buffer((N, K), dtype),
C: T.Buffer((M, N), dtype),
with T.Kernel(
T.ceildiv(N, block_N), T.ceildiv(M, block_M), split_k, threads=128) as (bx, by, bz):
A_shared = T.alloc_shared((block_M, block_K), dtype, "shared")
B_shared = T.alloc_shared((block_K, block_N), dtype, "shared")
C_shared = T.alloc_shared((block_M, block_N), dtype, "shared")
C_local = T.alloc_fragment((block_M, block_N), accum_dtype)

if bz == 0:
# fuse the zero initialization kernel
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, block_N):
m, n = by * block_M + i, bx * block_N + j
C[m, n] = T.cast(0, dtype)

for ko in T.Pipelined(T.ceildiv(splitK, block_K), num_stages=0):
T.copy(A[by * block_M, bz * splitK + ko * block_K], A_shared)
T.copy(B[bz * splitK + ko * block_K, bx * block_N], B_shared)
T.gemm(A_shared, B_shared, C_local)

T.copy(C_local, C_shared)

if DataType(dtype).bits == 16:
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, block_N // 2):
m, n = by * block_M + i, bx * block_N + j * 2
# vectorized atomic
T.atomic_addx2(C[m, n], C_shared[i, j * 2])
for i, j in T.Parallel(block_M, block_N):
T.atomic_add(C[by * block_M + i, bx * block_N + j], C_shared[i, j])

return main

program = matmul(1024, 1024, 1024, 128, 128, 32, 4)

kernel = tilelang.compile(program)


import torch

a = torch.randn(1024, 1024).cuda().half()
b = torch.randn(1024, 1024).cuda().half()
c = torch.zeros(1024, 1024).cuda().half()
kernel(a, b, c)

ref_c = a @ b


torch.testing.assert_close(c, ref_c, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2)

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