A python script to convert ING bank accounut statements from PDF to CSV and JSON
Can be used for firefly-iii-fints-importer
CSV files from ING online portal doesn't contain "Referenz". Sometimes statements (rows in CSV) have no "Verwendungszweck" which makes it impossible to process CSV files automatically.
Tested for german ING bank girp accounuts.
Supported transaction types:
- Gutschrift
- Ueberweisung
- Lastschrift
- Bezuege
- Gehalt/Rente
- Dauerauftrag/Terminueberw.
- Entgelt
- Retoure
- Abbuchung
CSV headers
- Buchung
- Valuta
- Auftraggeber/Empfänger
- Buchungstext
- Verwendungszweck
- Referenz
- Mandat
- Saldo
- Währung
- Betrag
- Währung
JSON structure:
"meta": {
"datum": "31.12.2020",
"saldo_alt": "0,00",
"saldo_neu": "500,00"
"transactions": [
"buchung": "21.12.2020",
"typ": "Gutschrift",
"betrag": "500,00",
"konto": "MAX MUSTERMANN",
"zweck": [
"valuta": "20.12.2020",
"referenz": "ZV0000123456789110000000"
- install python (with pip)
- run
pip install PyPDF2
(I recommend using virtualenv) - run
python diba-pdf.py folder-with-pdf-documents