C/C++ beanstalkd client that is blocking by default.
sudo make install
The tests need google test installed (libgtest-dev on debian based distros).
sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev
Since the package does not come with a pre-build library, you need to build and install it.
cd /usr/src/libgtest
sudo cmake .
sudo make
sudo cp libgtest.a /usr/local/lib
After installing libgtest, you can build the test suite and run it.
make test
// compile as: gcc -o example example.c -lbeanstalk
#include "beanstalk.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
int main() {
BSJ *job;
int id, socket = bs_connect("", 11300);
assert(socket != BS_STATUS_FAIL);
assert(bs_use(socket, "test") == BS_STATUS_OK);
assert(bs_watch(socket, "test") == BS_STATUS_OK);
assert(bs_ignore(socket, "default") == BS_STATUS_OK);
id = bs_put(socket, 0, 0, 60, "hello world", 11);
assert(id > 0);
printf("put job id: %d\n", id);
assert(bs_reserve_with_timeout(socket, 2, &job) == BS_STATUS_OK);
printf("reserve job id: %d size: %lu\n", job->id, job->size);
write(fileno(stderr), job->data, job->size);
write(fileno(stderr), "\r\n", 2);
printf("delete job id: %d\n", job->id);
assert(bs_delete(socket, job->id) == BS_STATUS_OK);
// compile as: g++ -o example example.cc -lbeanstalk
#include "beanstalk.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace Beanstalk;
int main() {
Client client("", 11300);
int id = client.put("hello");
assert(id > 0);
cout << "put job id: " << id << endl;
Job job;
assert(client.reserve(job) && job);
assert(job.id() == id);
cout << "reserved job id: "
<< job.id()
<< " with body {" << job.body() << "}"
<< endl;
cout << "deleted job id: " << job.id() << endl;
- Fork / clone the repo.
- Make your changes.
- Make sure to add a test for any code changes.
- Make sure the tests pass.
- Send a pull request or a patch with explanation.