- Ireland
- blog.timbunce.org
pgx mock driver for golang to test database interactions
A Go library to apply RFC6902 patches and create and apply RFC7386 patches
The home of the CUE language! Validate and define text-based and dynamic configuration
golang implementation of https://json-schema.org drafts 7 & 2019-09
Compute the diff between two JSON documents as a series of RFC6902 (JSON Patch) operations
k-means clustering algorithm implementation written in Go
The minimal javascript library to create flowcharts ✨
A flamegraph generator for Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE output.
A place to document (and discuss) the OpenTracing specification. 🛑 This project is DEPRECATED! https://github.com/opentracing/specification/issues/163
GoWrap is a command line tool for generating decorators for Go interfaces
Open Source AI Benchmarking toolkit for benchmarking speech to text services
tool for collectively summarizing large discussions
Open Source HTTP Reverse Proxy Cache and Time Series Dashboard Accelerator
OpenTracing instrumentation for packages in the Go stdlib
Master the command line, in one page
Generate Go client and server boilerplate from OpenAPI 3 specifications
webhook is a lightweight incoming webhook server to run shell commands
A PostgreSQL metric exporter for Prometheus
A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.