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Userscript mod for


  1. Download Tampermonkey for Chrome or Firefox
  2. Go to our Greasyfork page to download the userscript.
  3. Install this script, then refresh That's all you need to do :).


Thanks so much for wanting to contribute to the Hordes userscript mod! We've built this repo to make it easy to add your own mod code without having to touch any of the preexisting code.

This repo uses ESLint and Prettier to lint and automatically format your code. They will be run on every commit. You can also install the Prettier plugin for VS Code to format on save.

Feel free to contribute new mods, though if they're complex, it's recommended to discuss your mod idea and technical approach with the repo owner, to increase the likelihood your mod change is accepted.

Mod structure

This repo contains multiple different mods that are all bundled into a single userscript. If you'd like to contribute to this repo by adding a new mod, it's important you understand how individual mods are structured. We strongly appreciate you trying to keep your code as consistent as possible with our preexisting code and mods.

Inside of src/mods, we have one folder per mod. If your mod needs any custom styles, you can add a styles.scss file that will be compiled into CSS and built into the userscript.

Basic CSS Rules: You should never create new CSS IDs, only classes. If the class is never called/toggled via javascript, and is stylistic only, please prefix the class with uimod-. If the class is called/toggled via javascript, please prefix the class with js-.

Getting into the Javascript: Your mod folder will also contain an index.js file that must export an object following the structure:

	name: 'Your mod name',
	description: 'Brief description of your mod',
	run: () {

Functions in index.js should all be called from the run method. Any other methods your index.js file needs to call can be added to a helpers.js file.

If your mod needs to make changes (call functions) whenever part of the game changes, you can register these function calls inside of your run method as follows:

run: ({ registerOnDomChange, registerOnChatChange, registerOnLeftClick, registerOnRightClick }): {
    // Whenever the game DOM changes
    // Technically: MutationObserver running whenever .layout changes

    // Whenever something in chat changes
    // Technically: Mutation observer running whenever #chat changes

    // Whenever user left clicks anywhere on page
    // Technically: `click` Event listener running on document.body

    // Whenever user right clicks anywhere on page
    // Technically: `contextmenu` Event listener running on document.body

When creating your mod, feel free to browse and use the various helper methods in src/utils. These utils contain helpful functions that are shared or are expected to be shared between multiple mods.

You will also need to update src/mods/index.js, adding your mod to the end of the exported array in this file. This ensures it is run.

Other places contributors will need to touch

Add yourself as an author - update src/authors.js and add your preferred name to the end of the array. It'll be included in the compiled userscript on all future versions.

Building the userscript

If you've made custom modifications to this repo, you can run npm run build to build the userscript and test it locally by copypasting it into Tampermonkey.


Userscript mod for







No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
