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Terraform TencentCloud TKE Managed Cluster Module

A Terraform module which creates TencentCloud Kubernetes Engine (TKE) clusters and resource dependencies.


provider "tencentcloud" {
  region = var.region

# It is recommended to use the vpc module to create vpc and subnets
resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "this" {
  cidr_block = ""
  name       = "tke-test"

resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "intranet" {
  cidr_block        = ""
  name              = "tke-subnet"
  availability_zone = var.available_zone
  vpc_id            =

# It is recommended to use the security group module to create security group and rules
resource "tencentcloud_security_group" "this" {
  name = "tke-security-group"

resource "tencentcloud_security_group_lite_rule" "this" {
  security_group_id =

  ingress = [

  egress = [

module "tencentcloud_tke" {
  source                   = "../../"
  available_zone           = var.available_zone # Available zone must belongs to the region.
  vpc_id                   =
  intranet_subnet_id       =
  enhanced_monitor_service = true

  cluster_public_access     = true
  cluster_security_group_id =

  cluster_private_access           = true
  cluster_private_access_subnet_id =

  node_security_group_id =

  enable_event_persistence = true
  enable_cluster_audit_log = true

  worker_bandwidth_out = 100

  tags = {
    module = "tke"

# Configure Kubernetes Provider
provider "kubernetes" {
  host                   = module.tke.cluster_endpoint
  cluster_ca_certificate = module.tke.cluster_ca_certificate
  client_key             = base64decode(module.tke.client_key)
  client_certificate     = base64decode(module.tke.client_certificate)

create node pool:

  self_managed_node_groups = {
    test = {
      max_size                 = 6
      min_size                 = 1
      subnet_ids               = []
      retry_policy             = "INCREMENTAL_INTERVALS"
      desired_capacity         = 4
      enable_auto_scale        = true
      multi_zone_subnet_policy = "EQUALITY"

      auto_scaling_config = [{
        instance_type      = "S5.MEDIUM2"
        system_disk_type   = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
        system_disk_size   = 50
        security_group_ids = []

        data_disk = [{
          disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
          disk_size = 50

        internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
        internet_max_bandwidth_out = 10
        public_ip_assigned         = true
        enhanced_security_service  = false
        enhanced_monitor_service   = false
        host_name                  = ""
        host_name_style            = "ORIGINAL"

      labels = {
        "test1" = "test1",
        "test2" = "test2",

      taints = [{
        key    = "test_taint"
        value  = "taint_value"
        effect = "PreferNoSchedule"
          key    = "test_taint2"
          value  = "taint_value2"
          effect = "PreferNoSchedule"

      node_config = [{
        extra_args = ["root-dir=/var/lib/kubelet"]


This module will be sure to create the following resource:

  • 1 managed TKE Cluster.
  • At least 1 CVM instance used as TKE worker node.

Optionally, If variable create_cam_strategy was set to true (Default), it will also create TKE related CAM role and policies and associate them:

  • CAM Role TKE_QCSRole - to grant tke service API permission: sts:AssumeRole
  • CAM Policy TF_QcloudAccessForTKERoleInOpsManagement - Provides CLS permissions for Ops management.
  • CAM Policy TF_QcloudAccessForTKERole - Provides partial API permission of cvm, tag, clb, cls, ssl, cvm, e.g.


  • If you've already granted the TKE Service Permission by operating in TencentCloud Console, you won't need these resources, set create_cam_strategy to false.
  • Destroy Infrastructure will also destroy TKE_QCSRole if enabled, you can re-create in TencentCloud Console.


Name Type Default Description
available_zone string null Specify available zone of VPC subnet and TKE nodes.
cluster_cidr string Cluster cidr, conflicts with its subnet.
cluster_name string example-cluster TKE managed cluster name.
cluster_os string tlinux2.2(tkernel3)x86_64 Cluster operation system image name.
cluster_private_access bool false Specify whether to open cluster private access.
cluster_private_access_subnet_id string null Specify a subnet id to cluster private access.
cluster_public_access bool false Specify whether to open cluster public access.
cluster_security_group_id string null Specify custom Security Group id to cluster public access.
cluster_version string 1.22.5 Cluster kubernetes version.
create_cam_strategy bool true Specify whether to create CAM role and relative TKE essential policy. Set to false if you've enable by using TencentCloud Console.
tags map(string) {"terraform":"example"} Tagged for all associated resource of this module.
vpc_id string null Specify custom VPC id.
intranet_subnet_id string null Specify a subnet id for intranet.
worker_count number 1 Specify node count.
worker_instance_type string S5.MEDIUM2 Cluster node instance type.
node_security_group_id string null Specify custom Security Group id to nodes.
worker_bandwidth_out number null Max bandwidth of Internet access in Mbps. Default is 0.
enable_event_persistence bool false Specify weather the Event Persistence enabled.
event_log_set_id string null Specify id of existing CLS log set, or auto create a new set by leave it empty.
event_log_topic_id string null Specify id of existing CLS log topic, or auto create a new topic by leave it empty.
enable_cluster_audit_log bool false Specify weather the Cluster Audit enabled. NOTE: Enable Cluster Audit will also auto install Log Agent.
cluster_audit_log_set_id string null Specify id of existing CLS log set, or auto create a new set by leave it empty.
cluster_audit_log_topic_id string null Specify id of existing CLS log topic, or auto create a new topic by leave it empty.
cluster_service_cidr string null A network address block of the service. Different from vpc cidr and cidr of other clusters within this vpc. Must be in 10./192.168/172.[16-31] segments.
enhanced_monitor_service bool false To specify whether to enable cloud monitor service.
cluster_addons map(map) null Map of cluster addon configurations to enable for the cluster. Addon name can be the map keys or set with name, see tencentcloud_kubernetes_addon_attachment
self_managed_node_groups map(map) null Map of self-managed node pool definitions to create. see tencentcloud_kubernetes_node_pool
Name Description
client_certificate Base64 encoded cluster's client pem certificate.
client_key Base64 encoded cluster's client pem key.
cluster_ca_certificate Cluster's certification authority.
cluster_domain Cluster domain.
cluster_endpoint Cluster endpoint if cluster_public_access enabled
cluster_id TKE cluster id.
cluster_intranet_endpoint Cluster endpoint if cluster_private_access enabled
intranet_kube_config Cluster's kube config of private access.
kube_config YAML decoded TKE cluster's kube config.
kube_config_raw TKE cluster's kube config in raw.


Created and maintained by TencentCloud


Mozilla Public License Version 2.0. See LICENSE for full details.


A Terraform module which creates TencentCloud Kubernetes Engine (TKE) clusters and resource dependencies.







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