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Multiplatform Preview

Because the current Compose Multiplatform (CMP) preview does not have a lot of features and did not continue in development since years I started implementing my own preview system.


Supported are projects with:

  • Compose for Desktop (CFD) only code.
  • Multiplatform projects
    • Common code
    • JVM code
  • The module where you use the @HotPreview annotation has to have a jvm target configured.

This is because the previews are rendered using CFD itself.

Supported IDEs:

  • IntelliJ 2024.3 or later
  • Android Studio Meerkat RC1 or later

(Android Studio Meerkat limitation exists only because of problems with Jewel that does not work correctly in older IDEs)


Maven Central

dependencies {
@HotPreview(name = "phone dark", widthDp = 400, heightDp = 800, fontScale = 1f, darkMode = true)
@HotPreview(name = "phone", widthDp = 400, heightDp = 800, fontScale = 1.5f, darkMode = false, density = 1f)
@HotPreview(name = "dark", widthDp = 1000, heightDp = 800, fontScale = 1f, density = 1f)
@HotPreview(widthDp = 1000, heightDp = 800, fontScale = 1.5f, darkMode = false)
fun PreviewHomeScreen() {
  MyTheme {

You also need the plugin. It is published already to the marketplace so just search for HotPreview. If you want to compile it yourself please see documentation in the intellij project: intellij-plugin

Here is a sample project using the @HotPreview annotation:

Known limitations

  • When at IDE startup a file with previews is opened sometimes the resources can not be loaded. Not sure how to avoid this. If you reopen the file everything should work.
  • Recompilation only happens automatically when the source file is saved.
  • When adding a @HotPreview annotation to the file you have to close and open the file otherwise Android Studio / IntelliJ will not recognize that it contains a preview.
  • Following resource resolving functions will not work!
    • Res.getUri() (Does work since 0.2.0)
    • Res.readBytes() (Does work since 0.2.0)

Coil image preview

If you are using Coil 3 for multiplatform image loading and want to provide a preview image just have a look at the official documentation of coil here:

Of course, it depends on you code how to integrate this into previews. You could also use this approach:

But both ways do work in HotPreview previews.

TODO list

  • Implement PreviewParameterProvider like in android
  • Improve rendering performance
    • increase code analysing performance
    • only render previews which are visible
  • Implement a hierarchy viewer to be able to see composable components.
  • Implement animation preview.
  • Implement interactive mode.
  • Maybe support also Android platform for previews using the layoutlib for rendering.
  • Add support for Annotation classes. Make it possible to create Annotation class with HotPreview annotations.


Provides previews for Compose Multiplatform projects.






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