Vue CLI is now in maintenance mode. For new Vue 3 projects, please use create-vue to scaffold Vite-based projects.
Docs are available at - we are still working on refining it and contributions are welcome!
Please see contributing guide.
#jenkins for vue js pipeline {
agent any
options {
environment {
IMG = "baridibaridi_app:${BUILD_ID}"
IMG_TAGGED = "baidibaridi_app:latest"
TG_HOST = "ssh://ec2-user@ip"
TG_SSH = "ip"
TG_USR = "ec2-user"
TG_PORT = 9000
stages {
// Build the image
stage("Build") {
steps {
sh "docker build -t ${IMG} ."
sh "docker tag ${IMG} ${IMG_TAGGED}"
// Deliver the image to the tgt server
stage("Deliver") {
steps {
sshagent(credentials: ['baridibaridi_app']) {
[ -d ~/.ssh ] || mkdir ~/.ssh
ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa ${TG_SSH} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
docker save ${IMG_TAGGED} | ssh -C ${TG_USR}@${TG_SSH} docker load
stage("Deploy-Prod") {
steps {
// The use of single-quotes instead of double-quotes to define the script
// (the implicit parameter to sh) in Groovy.
// The single-quotes will cause the secret to be expanded by the shell
// as an environment variable. The double-quotes are potentially less
// secure as the secret is interpolated by Groovy, and so typical operating
// system process listings will accidentally disclose it :
sh ('''#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Stop previously launched container by image name (Works in docker 1.9+)
docker --host ${TG_HOST} ps -aqf "name=app" \
| xargs -r docker --host ${TG_HOST} stop
docker --host ${TG_HOST} run \
--env \
--name app \
--publish ${TG_PORT}:80 \
--detach \
--rm \
--privileged \
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////other expample // Declarative pipeline @Library('docker-deploy') _
pipeline {
agent any
environment { DOCKER_IMG = "bb_iota_verification_api" // The image to push. SSH_HOST = "" // The host to use SSH_USER = "ec2-user" // SSH user CREDENTIALS_ID = "baridibaridi_app" // ID of the credential }
stages {
stage("Build") {
steps {
// echo "Renaming the existing container bb_iota_verification_api to bb_iota_verification_api_old${currentBuild.startTimeInMillis}"
// //renaming the existing container to avoid container repeationmn
// sh "docker rename bb_iota_verification_api bb_iota_verification_api_old${currentBuild.startTimeInMillis}"
sh "docker stop bb_iota_verification_api"
sh "docker rm -f bb_iota_verification_api"
// Build the image.
sh "docker build -t ${env.DOCKER_IMG} ."
stage("Deliver") {
steps {
// This will push the image `env.DOCKER_IMG` to the deployment host.
dockerRemoteSave(credentialsId: env.CREDENTIALS_ID, img: env.DOCKER_IMG, host: env.SSH_HOST, user: SSH_USER)
stage("Deploy") {
environment {
BIND_PORT = 5000 // Your bind port - Exposed to other services public.
CONTAINER_PORT = 3333 // Container port - Not accessible. to other service
APP_NAME = "bb_iota_verification_api"
ENV_FILE_ID = "bb_iota_verification_api_env"
steps {
echo "Attempt to use envfile: ${env.ENV_FILE_ID}"
host: "${env.SSH_HOST}",
user: "${env.SSH_USER}",
img: "${env.DOCKER_IMG}",
bindPort: "${env.BIND_PORT}",
containerPort: "${env.CONTAINER_PORT}",
app: "${env.APP_NAME}",
env: "${env.ENV_FILE_ID}"
} }