# Living Optics add-in for Orange3 Data Mining
This add-in allows Living Optics .lo files to be ingested by Orange3, and the contents of the spectral data to be used for subsequent analysis. There are two additional widgets that are added: NDVI, which allows NDVI calculations to be made on spectral data, with the ability to adjust the bands that are used for the calculation. Upsample, which takes the LO sparse data format and upsamples using a nearest neighbour algorithm that's found in the LO SDK to produce 'complete' information.
## Requirements
Living Optics SDK v1.4.4 or later. Orange data mining v3.38 or later installed.
## Installation Requires Linux, MacOS, or Linux tools for Windows. From a clean machine, create a folder:
mkdir Orange3
cd Orange3
Create a venv in the folder to keep Orange separate from your other python tools, then enter the venv.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install orange3 using pip
pip install orange3
Download the Living Optics SDK from our cloud service https://cloud.livingoptics.com, and copy the .tar file into the Orange3 folder. This example uses SDK1.6, but adjust the command based on the version that you download:
Unpack the SDK tarball:
tar -xf lo_sdk-1.6.0-dist.tar
pip install install/lo_sdk-1.6.0-py3-none-any.whl
Download this add-in from github by clicking the 'Download Zip' button in the 'Code' dropdown. Copy the .zip file into the Orange3 folder and unzip it if your computer has not done this automatically for you.
pip install orange3-lo-main/
You can now run Orange3 from the command line
python -m Orange.canvas
The 'Spectroscopy' add-in (found in the Options -> Add-ins... menu) contains many useful widgets to explore spectral and hyperspectral data, and it's recommended to add this to your copy of Orange by checking the box and restarting Orange.