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added sample sql join and save/load parquet files
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tin6150 committed Nov 10, 2016
1 parent 09c6942 commit 5222113
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Showing 2 changed files with 290 additions and 0 deletions.
175 changes: 175 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
## #!/usr/lib/spark/bin/pyspark

## warning say to use spark-submit
## #!/usr/lib/spark/bin/spark-shell # this load a scala shell...

## this version does sql lookup one row at a time. works, but slow.
## this version use join on dataframe, should be done in ~5 min as per Victor Hong estimate
## renamed file, as this will now focus only in creating a table with full parent lineage
## ie, DW-style pre-computing the lineage tree.

from __future__ import print_function
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext, Row
from pyspark.sql.types import *

def dummy_writeFileTest() :
outFH = open( outfile, 'w' )
outFH.write( "typical write method\n" )
print( "print redirect write method, need special from __future__ import in python2 to work" , file = outFH )
# end dummy

def create_trace_table() :
outfile = "/home/hoti1/pub/node2trace_1107.out"
#outfile = "/home/hoti1/pub/spark_acc2taxid_4.out"
outFH = open( outfile, 'w' )
#outFH.write( "Test output to file from spark\n" )
##spkCtx = SparkContext( 'local', 'tin_pyspark_0724_local' )
#spkCtx = SparkContext( appName='tin_pyspark_31gb' )
spkCtx = SparkContext( appName='tin_pyspark_yarn_node2trace_1107' )
#print( " *** hello world sparkContext created" )
#print( " *** hello world sparkContext created", file = outFH )

sqlContext = SQLContext(spkCtx) # can only have one instance of SQLContext
#tabABsqlCtx = SQLContext(spkCtx) # a second delcaration will result in not so useful object
print( " *** hello world spark sql context created" )
print( " *** hello world spark sql context created", file = outFH )

treeSqlCtx = spkCtx.textFile("tree.table.csv") # tree table
partsT = l: l.split(","))
treeTab = p: (p[0], p[1].strip('"'), p[2].strip(), p[3].strip('"')))
schemaStringT = "taxid name parent rank"
fieldsT = [StructField(field_name, StringType(), True) for field_name in schemaStringT.split()]
schemaT = StructType(fieldsT)
treeDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(treeTab,schemaT)

# seeding an initial table before any join
tabT = []
tabT.append(treeDF) # create tabT[0], didn't have this before, just used tabTL...
#tabTL = treeDF.withColumnRenamed("taxid", "taxid_T0").withColumnRenamed("name","name_T0").withColumnRenamed("parent","parent_T0").withColumnRenamed("rank","rank_T0")
tabT[0] = treeDF.withColumnRenamed("taxid", "taxid_T0").withColumnRenamed("name","name_T0").withColumnRenamed("parent","parent_T0").withColumnRenamed("rank","rank_T0")

# join tree table with itself repeatedly to get parent info, forming a lineage in each row
lastIdx = 15
for j in range(1,lastIdx): # range(2,3) produces [2], so exclude last index. think of calculus [2,3)
i = j - 1 # i comes before j, and i has 1 less than j
#print( "running i = %s" % i )
print( "running j = %s" % j )
fieldname = "parent_T%s" % i
#print( "fieldname is set to %s" % fieldname )
# *** T1 is wrong below . need something dynamic, equiv to T[i]
#tabT[j] = tabT[j].join(treeDF, tabT[i].parent_T1 == treeDF.taxid, "inner")
tabT[j] = tabT[i].join(treeDF, getattr(tabT[i], fieldname) == treeDF.taxid, "inner") #
tabT[j] = tabT[j].withColumnRenamed("taxid", "taxid_T%s" % j).withColumnRenamed("name","name_T%s" % j).withColumnRenamed("parent","parent_T%s" % j).withColumnRenamed("rank","rank_T%s" % j)
#end for loop
#print( "outside for loop" )#
#tabT[lastIdx-1].show() # works, careful not to go beyond array element not yet created in for-loop
# for-loop just declare all conditions to spark, the show() is when work get executed. join up to lastIdxi=15 takes 2.5 min
# count distinct below shows 1,402,066 rows. took maybe 15 sec,

|-- taxid: string (nullable = true)
|-- name: string (nullable = true)
|-- parent: string (nullable = true)
|-- rank: string (nullable = true)
|-- taxid_T0: string (nullable = true)
|-- name_T0: string (nullable = true)
|-- parent_T0: string (nullable = true)
|-- rank_T0: string (nullable = true)
|-- taxid_T1: string (nullable = true)
|-- name_T1: string (nullable = true)
|-- parent_T1: string (nullable = true)
|-- rank_T1: string (nullable = true)
|taxid_T0| name_T0|parent_T0|rank_T0|taxid_T1| name_T1|parent_T1|rank_T1|
| 100459| Miliaria calandra| 100458|species| 100458| Miliaria| 400781| genus|
| 1542402|Ophiopogon hetera...| 100502|species| 100502|Ophiopogon| 703537| genus|
| 1542407|Ophiopogon multif...| 100502|species| 100502|Ophiopogon| 703537| genus|
| 1542404|Ophiopogon longib...| 100502|species| 100502|Ophiopogon| 703537| genus|
| 1542408|Ophiopogon pelios...| 100502|species| 100502|Ophiopogon| 703537| genus|
|taxid_T0| name_T0|parent_T0| rank_T0|taxid_T1| name_T1|parent_T1|rank_T1|taxid_T2| name_T2|parent_T2|rank_T2|
| 505316|Miliaria calandra...| 100459|subspecies| 100459| Miliaria calandra| 100458|species| 100458| Miliaria| 400781| genus|
| 100508|Ophiopogon japoni...| 100506| varietas| 100506|Ophiopogon japonicus| 100502|species| 100502| Ophiopogon| 703537| genus|
| 100507|Ophiopogon japoni...| 100506| varietas| 100506|Ophiopogon japonicus| 100502|species| 100502| Ophiopogon| 703537| genus|
| 1542395|Ophiopogon bodini...| 235913| varietas| 235913|Ophiopogon bodinieri| 100502|species| 100502| Ophiopogon| 703537| genus|
| 1542394|Ophiopogon bockia...| 1468144| varietas| 1468144|Ophiopogon bockianus| 100502|species| 100502| Ophiopogon| 703537| genus|
| 1542396|Ophiopogon chingi...| 235914| varietas| 235914| Ophiopogon chingii| 100502|species| 100502| Ophiopogon| 703537| genus|
| 559883| Snake adenovirus 3| 1146872| no rank| 1146872| Snake adenovirus A| 100953|species| 100953|Atadenovirus| 10508| genus|
| 559881| Snake adenovirus 2| 1146872| no rank| 1146872| Snake adenovirus A| 100953|species| 100953|Atadenovirus| 10508| genus|
| 554450|Viperid adenoviru...| 1146872| no rank| 1146872| Snake adenovirus A| 100953|species| 100953|Atadenovirus| 10508| genus|
| 189830| Snake adenovirus 1| 1146872| no rank| 1146872| Snake adenovirus A| 100953|species| 100953|Atadenovirus| 10508| genus|
| 576945|Viperid adenoviru...| 1146872| no rank| 1146872| Snake adenovirus A| 100953|species| 100953|Atadenovirus| 10508| genus|
| 1147765|Snake adenovirus ...| 1146872| no rank| 1146872| Snake adenovirus A| 100953|species| 100953|Atadenovirus| 10508| genus|
| 130500| Bovine adenovirus E| 327833| species| 327833|unclassified Atad...| 100953|no rank| 100953|Atadenovirus| 10508| genus|
| 1036586|Western bearded d...| 327833| species| 327833|unclassified Atad...| 100953|no rank| 100953|Atadenovirus| 10508| genus|
| 1036587|Central netted dr...| 327833| species| 327833|unclassified Atad...| 100953|no rank| 100953|Atadenovirus| 10508| genus|
| 332202|Agamid atadenovir...| 327833| species| 327833|unclassified Atad...| 100953|no rank| 100953|Atadenovirus| 10508| genus|
| 332203|Agamid atadenovir...| 327833| species| 327833|unclassified Atad...| 100953|no rank| 100953|Atadenovirus| 10508| genus|
| 270906|Helodermatid aden...| 327833| species| 327833|unclassified Atad...| 100953|no rank| 100953|Atadenovirus| 10508| genus|
| 270904| Agamid adenovirus 1| 327833| species| 327833|unclassified Atad...| 100953|no rank| 100953|Atadenovirus| 10508| genus|
| 270903|Eublepharid adeno...| 327833| species| 327833|unclassified Atad...| 100953|no rank| 100953|Atadenovirus| 10508| genus|

# saving data for future use...
# if only takes 3 min to generate, maybe not worth saving?
#tabT[lastIdx-1].collect() # lastIdx=15, .collect() crashed!!
tabT[lastIdx-1].select("*").save("trace_table", "parquet") # parquet format seems to be the default. took 3.1 min
# # Generic Load/Save
# above save works, but need to ensure col names are uniq

## printing rdd:
## maybe of interest in removing extra column...

# running some sample SQL queries for sanity check (works, but not really needed anymore)
# may want to try to query and show this record
# |taxid_T0| name_T0|parent_T0|rank_T0|
# | 287144|Influenza A virus...| 119210|no rank|
# for plant, even lastIdx=15 wasn't enough to get the full lineage trace
print( " * (*) * running SQL Query COUNT... " )
print( " * (*) * running SQL Query COUNT... ", file = outFH )
sqlResult = sqlContext.sql("SELECT COUNT( taxid_T0 ) FROM trace_table") # spark does NOT allow for ; at end of SQL !!
print( " *** sqlResult: ***", file = outFH )
myList = sqlResult.collect() # need .collect() to consolidate result into "Row"
print( "myList is: %s", myList ) # [Row(_c0=1402066)] # took about 20 sec (53sec if omit .show() after all the joins)
print( "myList is: %s", myList, file = outFH ) # this works too!
print( "sqlResult is: %s", sqlResult ) # sqlResult is: %s DataFrame[_c0: bigint]
print( "sqlResult is: %s", sqlResult, file = outFH )
#if( sqlResult.count() > 1 ):
# print( "Houston, we got more than one element returned!")

print( " *** good bye world !!" )
print( " *** good bye world !!", file = outFH )
#end create_trace_table()


115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
## #!/usr/lib/spark/bin/pyspark

## warning say to use spark-submit
## #!/usr/lib/spark/bin/spark-shell # this load a scala shell...

## this version does sql lookup one row at a time. works, but slow.
## this version use join on dataframe, should be done in ~5 min as per Victor Hong estimate
## renamed file, as this will now focus only in creating a table with full parent lineage
## ie, DW-style pre-computing the lineage tree.

## load parquet stored by
## may eventually be added to join with acc_ver info

from __future__ import print_function
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext, Row
from pyspark.sql.types import *

def dummy_writeFileTest() :
outFH = open( outfile, 'w' )
outFH.write( "typical write method\n" )
print( "print redirect write method, need special from __future__ import in python2 to work" , file = outFH )
# end dummy

def load_trace_table() :
outfile = "/home/hoti1/pub/trace_load_1108.out"
#outfile = "/home/hoti1/pub/spark_acc2taxid_4.out"
outFH = open( outfile, 'w' )
#outFH.write( "Test output to file from spark\n" )
##spkCtx = SparkContext( 'local', 'tin_pyspark_0724_local' )
#spkCtx = SparkContext( appName='tin_pyspark_31gb' )
spkCtx = SparkContext( appName='tin_pyspark_yarn_trace_load_1108' )
#print( " *** hello world sparkContext created" )
#print( " *** hello world sparkContext created", file = outFH )

sqlContext = SQLContext(spkCtx) # can only have one instance of SQLContext
#tabABsqlCtx = SQLContext(spkCtx) # a second delcaration will result in not so useful object
print( " *** hello world spark sql context created" )
print( " *** hello world spark sql context created", file = outFH )

#treeSqlCtx = spkCtx.textFile("tree.table.csv") # tree table
#partsT = l: l.split(","))
#treeTab = p: (p[0], p[1].strip('"'), p[2].strip(), p[3].strip('"')))
#schemaStringT = "taxid name parent rank"
#fieldsT = [StructField(field_name, StringType(), True) for field_name in schemaStringT.split()]
#schemaT = StructType(fieldsT)
#treeDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(treeTab,schemaT)
#treeDF = DataFrame # ??

#parquetFile ="people.parquet")
trace_table ="trace_table.parquet")


# running some sample SQL queries for sanity check (works, but not really needed anymore)

print( " * (*) * running SQL Query COUNT... " )
print( " * (*) * running SQL Query COUNT... ", file = outFH )
sqlResult = sqlContext.sql("SELECT COUNT( taxid_T0 ) FROM trace_table") # spark does NOT allow for ; at end of SQL !!
print( " *** sqlResult: ***", file = outFH )
myList = sqlResult.collect() # need .collect() to consolidate result into "Row"
print( "myList is: %s", myList ) # [Row(_c0=1402066)] # took about 20 sec (53sec if omit .show() after all the joins)
print( "myList is: %s", myList, file = outFH ) # this works too!
print( "sqlResult is: %s", sqlResult ) # sqlResult is: %s DataFrame[_c0: bigint]
print( "sqlResult is: %s", sqlResult, file = outFH )
#if( sqlResult.count() > 1 ):
# print( "Houston, we got more than one element returned!")

# may want to try to query and show this record
# |taxid_T0| name_T0|parent_T0|rank_T0|
# | 287144|Influenza A virus...| 119210|no rank|
# for plant, even lastIdx=15 wasn't enough to get the full lineage trace

print( " * (*) * running SQL Query SELECT... " )
print( " * (*) * running SQL Query SELECT... ", file = outFH )
#sqlResult = sqlContext.sql( "SELECT taxid from acc_taxid WHERE acc_ver = 'T02888.1' " ) # spark does NOT allow for ; at end of SQL !!
sqlResult = sqlContext.sql( "SELECT * from trace_table WHERE taxid_T0 = '287144' " ) # spark does NOT allow for ; at end of SQL !!
print( " *** sqlResult: ***", file = outFH )
myList = sqlResult.collect() # need .collect() to consolidate result into "Row"
## collect put all data into a single machine, so avoid running till the end for true big data
print( "myList is: %s", myList ) # [Row(_c0=1402066)] # took about 20 sec (53sec if omit .show() after all the joins)
print( "myList is: %s", myList, file = outFH ) # this works too!
print( "sqlResult is: %s", sqlResult ) # sqlResult is: %s DataFrame[_c0: bigint]
print( "sqlResult is: %s", sqlResult, file = outFH )

#myList = sqlResult.collectAsMap() # sqlResult is DF, not RDD, no collectAsMap fn.
# sqlResult is DF, not RDD. specifically, it is DataFrame[taxid: string]
#myList = sqlResult.collect() # need .collect() to consolidate result into "Row"
#print( myList[0].taxid ) # taxid is the name of the column specified in select
#print( myList[0].taxid, file = outFH ) # taxid is the name of the column specified in select

print( " *** good bye world !!" )
print( " *** good bye world !!", file = outFH )
# end load_trace_table()


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