[STRUCTURE] There are four parts in the project:
DataSet related files
- 'ImageCollection' and 'Preprocess Dataset' folder are stores scripts used in the project.
[Notes] These scripts are separated and each of them is used to solve one one single task.
- 'Dataset' folder stores the final dataset used in the project.
[Notes] Since the whole dataset is larger than storage limitation of Github, the original dataset is not stored.
Classification related files
- In this part, AlexNet related files are stored. However, we won't use it in the project.
Object detection related files
- 'Final Model files' folder stores the final model files which could be used in the notebook and an Android app.
Web related files
- 'Web' folder stores all the files used to show the static website, which is a basic description of the project.
Mobile app related files
- 'Mobile' folder stores all the files used to implement an Android app, and the outcome apk file is downloaded by: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6izojq9hlovbky2/AADh4vxs2wzi3fomAN9tEr6oa?dl=0
- Install Tensorflow
- Download Tensorflow Models: https://github.com/tensorflow/models.git
- Basic procedures:
- Making DataSet
- Training model using scripts in the 'Tensorflow Models'
- Optimize model
- Export model using scripts in the 'Tensorflow Models'
- Use 'object_detection.ipynb' to test the result of the model
- Install 'Jupyter'
- Make sure 'object_detection.ipynb' can access scripts in the 'Tensorflow Models'.
- Execute the 'object_detection.ipynb'