Word guess/Hangman style game using Node.js
This program utilizes three Javascript files: One to hold a constructor for letters in a word, one to hold the constructor for a word object consisting of letter objects, and the main file (index.js) which utilizes the Inquirer NPM to get input. The program will pick a word at random out of the word bank and the user must guess the letters in the word (only letters, no special characters or numbers). If correct, the user continues guessing. If the guess is wrong, the user will lose an attempt (starting from 10). The game will let the user know if the word is fully guessed or if the number of incorrect guesses have been used up. Either way, the correct word will be known and the user will be asked if they want to play again. If so, a new word is chosen and the game begins anew. Otherwise, the program ends.
Changes I would make: Add an array or something to store already guessed letters so they can't be guessed again. I would also make it so it can handle two players. If a player guesses wrong, then it switches to the next player and so on. I would not use incorrect guess counts with this type of play.
Link to the video demonstration: https://youtu.be/gfVD5c8jj8M