SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, similarly, LIRI is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI is a command line Node app that takes in parameters and gives users back data in the terminal. The app takes searches through API databases from spotify, omdb, and bandsintown.
- Node.js
- Spotify-API-Keys
- Node Package Manager
Clone repo
Select from three main options: concert-this, movie-this, spotify-this-song;
The format to search is 'node liri [options] [query]' ex. node liri spotify-this-song day n nite
To search for an artist or album, type in a song track and use the spotify-this-song command
If spotify query is left blink, Ace of Base - The Sign, will be set to the default search
- To search for dates and venues for upcoming concerts from an artist; use the 'concert-this' command
- To search for information on a movie, type in the movie title; use the 'movie-this' command
- There is one last hidden command - 'do-what-it-says'