提供在Linux上运行最新版腾讯QQ与TIM的解决方案 Easiest Way to Run QQ&TIM on Linux
Alluxio, data orchestration for analytics and machine learning in the cloud
基于IBM Hyperledger区块链技术的通用数据同步框架,可用于多点数据库的同步,以及其他任何需要从零开始完整复制数据的分布式系统
Compilation of useful documents and scientific papers about Blockchain & cryptocurrencies.
A Python implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine
A simplified blockchain implementation in Golang
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained
[UNMAINTAINED] 非监督特征学习与深度学习中文教程,该版本翻译自新版 UFLDL Tutorial 。建议新人们去学习斯坦福的CS231n课程,该门课程在网易云课堂上也有一个配有中文字幕的版本。
My corrections for the Standford class assingments CS231n - Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
Convolutional Neural Network for Text Classification in Tensorflow
Awesome-TensorFlow-Chinese,TensorFlow 中文资源精选,官方网站,安装教程,入门教程,视频教程,实战项目,学习路径。QQ群:167122861,公众号:磐创AI,微信群二维码:
Python implementation of the Swirld byzantine consensus algorithm
🌾 A step-by-step blockchain tutorial in simplified Chinese
Congratulation to DeepMind! This is a reengineering implementation (on behalf of many other git repo in /support/) of DeepMind's Oct19th publication: [Mastering the Game of Go without Human Knowled…
A permissioned implementation of Ethereum supporting data privacy
Fabric-explorer is a simple, powerful, maintainable, open source fabric explorer
BLOCKBENCH: A Framework for Analyzing Private Blockchains. Blockbench contains workloads for measuring the data processing performance, and workloads for understanding the performance of different …
Operating System for Enterprise Blockchain