- sudo apt install python3.8-venv venv
- cd <working_dir>
- python3 -m venv ./env
- source env/bin/activate
- git clone https://github.com/tis86/pravum.git
- pip install requirements.txt
- ./manage.py makemigrations && ./manage.py migrate
- In project dir you have to run this command(but there will be some errors which you need to fix)
./manage.py runserver
- For windows you have to install Docker Desktop
- For linux you should install these packages
sudo apt install docker.io docker docker-engine
- After that you can build your docker image using this command
docker build --tag pravum:0.1 .
- And run image for development
docker run --env DEVELOPMENT_MODE=True -p 80:8000 pravum:0.1
- Open browser and enter localhost
There some mistakes. I will fix them after your feedback