A collaborative collection of valuable scripts for configuring, managing, and troubleshooting issues with Zero Networks, actively contributed by the community and Zero Networks
Segment · Connect · Trust Meter · Red & Blue Team Tools
Active Directory (2)
Get-ADGPOsWithFWRules.ps1 - Gets any firewall rules associated with other AD group policies (GPOs)
purgeKerberosOnHosts.ps1 - This script accepts a CSV of remote Windows servers, and runs several command useful for forcing GPO processing
Asset Management (7)
CreateOTAssets.ps1 - Simple API Call to add an OT/IoT asset entry to Zero Networks
get-AssetsStaleConnection.ps1 - get-AssetsStaleConnection.ps1
Get-NoIPAssets.ps1 - Get-NoIPAssets.ps1
Move-ProtectToLearning.ps1 - Move-ProtectToLearning.ps1
Unprotect-ZNLearningButNotConnected.ps1 - Unprotect-ZNLearningButNotConnected.ps1
enrollLinuxAsset.ps1 - This script accepts a CSV of Linux servers, and adds them to the Zero Networks dashboard as a manual Linux asset.
auditMonitoredAssets.ps1 - This script accepts a CSV of assets which SHOULD be monitored, and queries the ZN API to see if they are showing as monitored..
Rules (2)
Update-ZNBlockRulewithRiskyIps.ps1 - Update-ZNBlockRulewithRiskyIps.ps1
Update-ZNOutboundBlockfromURLFile.ps1 - Update-ZNOutboundBlockfromURLFile.ps1
Troubleshooting (4)
CollectSMBDetails.ps1 - CollectSMBDetails.ps1
Network Port Connectivity Check.ps1 - Does network connectivity Test on Clients and Trust Server on the required ports based on the Deployment guide
ZN_Troubleshooter_v01.ps1 - ZN_Troubleshooter_v01.ps1
ZNConnectivityTest.ps1 - ZNConnectivityTest.ps1
Trust Server (4)
Add-ZNOutboundRulesProtectGPO.ps1 - Add-ZNOutboundRulesProtectGPO.ps1
breakglass-single.ps1 - breakglass-single.ps1
Logs - Parse WinRM from Trust Server logs and Summarize.ps1 - Sample Script to parse through the trust server logs and summarize the last 1000 entries for quick troubleshooting
znlog-filter.ps1 - Sample Script to parse through the trust server WinRM logs including those that are in zips.
MFA Push - getSecretMicrosoftAuth.ps1 - getSecretMicrosoftAuth.ps1
Settings - Add-ZNTrustedInternetAddresses.ps1 - Simple API Call to Trusted Internet IPs
Examples (4)
Ex1 - Simple scan for open ports on all AD assets.ps1 - Example 1 - Scans for open ports on any AD asset within the Domain
Ex2 - Simple scan for open ports on all AD Assets in Forest.ps1 - Example 2 - Scans for open ports on any AD asset within the AD Forest
Ex3 - Scan an list of IP Ranges.ps1 - Example 3 - Scans for open ports on an AD asset and any IP residing in the provided input IP ranges
Ex4 - Scan for open ports and parse JSON output.ps1 - Example 4 - Scans for open ports on any asset and IP range. After scan, parse JSON results from report
POC - POC_TrustMeter_ScanManagedAssets.ps1 - The purpose of this script is to perform a network port scan on assets managed by Zero Networks.
If you have a script you would like to share to the community or improvements on an existing script, your help is welcome!
- Create a personal fork of the project on Github.
- Clone the fork on your local machine. Your remote repo on Github is called
. - Add the original repository as a remote called
. - If you created your fork a while ago be sure to pull upstream changes into your local repository.
- Add your script to an existing folder/subfolder or update an existing script with your improvements.
- Comment the script so others can understand how the code works.
- Commit and push your changes to your remote repo
. - Submit a pull request so your changes can be reviewed and added to
Zero Networks Community Repo
. - Once the pull request is approved and merged you can pull the changes from
to your local repo.