Library of 40+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim (version 0.8 and higher) experience with minimal effort
Fedora Security Lab - The Fedora Security Lab (FSL) provides a safe test environment to work on security auditing, forensics, system rescue and teaching security testing methodologies in universiti…
uSDX-x: Microcontroller SDR QRP Transceiver Designed for Experimentation
uSDR implementation based on a RP2040 Pi Pico
Contra - Lowest cost ortholinear keyboard kit possible
A golang implementation of a console-based trading bot for cryptocurrency exchanges
the discord bot from this video:
Intro to Creative Coding workshop with p5.js and Tone.js
Scientific RPN Calculator with OLED display and ATTINY85
A simple 1Msps single channel scope with the TFT display on the ESP32-TTGO.