A library that helps you scrape duckduckgo's lite search in order to programatically use ddgs results.
Design choices were:
- Don't use LXML or BeautifulSoup, since if you are building a crawler you will use one or the other, so lets keep it stock, so i used regexes. Is ugly, but reduces dependancies.
- Only dependancy is requests, but that can also be rewritten to use urllib.
- Return URL's and descriptions as a dictionary.
Usage is trivial:
- import pyddg (or copy those 2 functions to your crawler/code)
- Run:
where query is your search string, and numpages is number of results (in pages) you want. - numpages is iterative, so if you write 4, you will get ~171 results, i.e. results pages, 1,2,3,4