while the right is an Linux machine, the left is an Windows machine, we "push" our files or folder use "tor", "pop" use "fr". in this simple way, we got our files very quickly.
tfr, original name "tor-fr", is a productive tool that sync-up and share your files, directories instantly, efficently and elegantly.
in the very beginning, Jidor Tang (github) and LjessonS Liu (github) start this project to help themselves to solve many frequently small files and folder transferring from A-machine to B-machine. But eventually, Jidor Tang found it is so usefully, so we begin to have it go "open source" at 2019-06-26, ShenZhen, China.
platform | download | info | command download |
Linux | download | x64 Linux | curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tlqtangok/tfr/master/rel/linux/tfr > tfr |
Windows | download | x64 Win7/Win10 | curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tlqtangok/tfr/master/rel/win/tfr.exe > tfr.exe |
Pi | download | Raspaberry Pi 3 B+, armv7 | curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tlqtangok/tfr/master/rel/pi/tfr > tfr |
Macintosh | download | Macintosh/Apple/Darwin | curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tlqtangok/tfr/master/rel/darwin/tfr > tfr |
these are only already tested platforms, actually, it should work on more platforms. let me know if it works for you.
as an user, one only need do following things:
- set up a redis-server by
sudo apt install redis-server
, remerber db's ip and port (default is 6379). - run
redis-cli -h <ip> set TOR_FR_VERSION_KEY 2019.04.01
- then download corresponding client from download table
- then put a config file
in the same folder as tfr client, the content of it should be:
### tfr.config ###
$host_name = "";
$max_file_sz_in_bytes = 50 * 1024 * 1024 + 5 * 1024; # 50M in max
$redis_port = 6379;
$max_jd_incr = 256;
you need tune it to your own.
tfr tor <filename> [-pw <your_password>]
tfr fr [jd_xx]
tfr -v
usage example
show version
tfr -v
pass stdin
echo 'xxxx' | tfr tor
pass string as argument
tfr tor 'xxx'
pass file as argument
tfr tor main.cpp
pass folder
tfr tor my_folder_name
tfr tor .
tfr tor /a/b/c/you_path_of_file_or_directory
tfr tor `pwd`
no jd_xx arg
tfr fr
has jd_xx
tfr fr jd_xx
has jd_xx and -pw
tfr fr jd_xx -pw <your_password>
tfr fr -pw <your_password>
please firstly set up your environment by following command:
sudo cpan -i pp
sudo cpan -i Redis
sudo cpan -i Term::ReadKey
sudo cpan -i Term::ProgressBar
you need have your redis-server startup. and remember its host ip and port.
if you have no idea of Redis, you may refer to redis intro
netstat -anop |grep redis-server
if you see more than one line output , then your redis server is startting up and ready to go next step.
then you need run a command to set up version key in your DB.
redis-cli -h <HOSTNAME> set TOR_FR_VERSION_KEY 2019.04.01
while the argument "2019.04.01" may be changed as time goes, but should be the same with the version number in source code tfr.PL
the build system is smart enough , just run:
perl build.PL
you will get the executed file.
the default redis host ip is your localhost. but you can change that by putting the tfr.config
file to the same folder as your
binary file tfr.exe (windows)
or tfr (non-windows)
. you can tune it a bit as your wish.
the tfr.config
file has a template as following:
### tfr.config ###
$host_name = "";
$max_file_sz_in_bytes = 50 * 1024 * 1024 + 5 * 1024; # 50M in max
$redis_port = 6379;
$max_jd_incr = 256;
- more test cases
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