- Open your terminal, go to the path of the downloaded file and run python3 todo_memo.py.
python3 todo_memo.py
↑ This is a hassle to do every time!
Convert a Python Script to a .bat File:
Open Notepad or any text editor.
Enter the following content:
@echo off
start pythonw "C:\path\to\your_script.py"
Replace C:\path\to\your_script.py with the actual path to your Python script.
Save the file as start_script.bat
Add a Batch File to Startup:
Press Win + R to open the Run dialog
and press Enter to open the Startup folder -
Copy yout .bat file into this folder
Enter Startup Application : GUI Program run automatically at boot time
Add a new itme : enter a Python script in the command
python3 /home/username/tkinter_memo/todo_memo.py
Version2 Released!!
- Auto Save!
- Tk program Icon added!