Create a lean, high-performance, multiplayer chess platform that incorporates unique training modes and AI-driven features.
The project is currently in early development. Check out the Roadmap below for planned features.
Install Docker & Docker Compose Recommended: Docker Desktop
- Run the one-shot Make command:
make dev
- Open the frontend at http://localhost:5173
For 'sign in' funcationality, OAuth clientID/secret is required in backend env.
CTRL+C to bring the containers down.
Frontend: SolidJS, TypeScript, Vite. Styling solution is TBD: likely Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, Macaron.
Backend: Golang, Chi, Redis, PostgreSQL.
Cloud [Prod]: Azure App Service, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure Key Vault, Azure Container Registry.
Infrastructure: Docker, Docker Compose, GitHub Actions.
- Logging: ELK
- Metrics: Prometheus
- Visualization: Grafana
What's planned next?
- Wrap the Stockfish binary in Golang to interface via UCI for server-side engine evaluations.
- Implement server-side move validation, rating calculations, and storage of game results.
- Reflect multiple rating types (blitz, rapid, AI training) in user profiles.
- Add websocket support for real-time rated modes against engine or human players.
- Refactor the frontend chessboard for seamless reuse across various game modes.
- Refine user flows for account creation, username collisions, and sign-in edge cases.
- Deploy FE & BE on Azure Apps, sidecar Redis instance for ephemeral session data.
- Deploy a basic/free tier PostgresDB for persisting profiles and game history.
- Establish a GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline for automated builds, tests, and deployments.
- Create staging and prod realms and integrate with CI/CD.
- Implement a minimal ELK stack to centralize, index, and visualize logs.
- Prometheus for metrics from Golang server, Postgres, and Redis sidecar.
- Grafana to visualize key Prometheus logs, health checks, and alerting.
- Configure domain, SSL certificates, and AKS env-based secret management for prod.
- Add unit, integration, and end-to-end tests for critical frontend and backend flows.
- Enable coverage reports and automated testing in CI/CD pipelines.
- Load testing and optimization of server concurrency/caching strategies.
- Database indexing, migrations, and query performance.
- Integrate security scanning and code linting checks into CI/CD pipeline.
- (Nice to have) Expand i18n/l10n support or plan for multi-language interfaces.
- (Nice to have) Improve board resizing, accessibility, and cross-browser compatibility.
- Develop unique AI training modes with server-based analysis.
- Build a tournament system with scheduling, brackets, and user match histories.
- Introduce friend lists or user-specific invites for community matches.
- Add advanced player profile statistics and anti-cheat mechanisms.
- Create a basic community layer (forums, Discord integration).
- (Nice to have) API contract (OpenAPI, gRPC, or GraphQL) to formalize FE/BE interactions.
- Node.js v16 or later
- Yarn (Recommended)
- Go v1.21 or later (if you run the backend outside of Docker)
- Docker and Docker Compose (Docker Desktop Recommended)
You can build and run the frontend, server, or the whole app. Set .env in apps/frontend and apps/backend as needed.
Use the Makefile, for key commands:
make help
- Complete app startup
For a full startup (frontend, backend, DB, Redis):
make dev
This builds images, starts containers, and runs everything in attached mode on local ports. For server and sign in flows, OAuth clientID and secrets are required.
- Backend Server Only
For backend server only (and its DB/Redis dependencies):
make up PROFILES=backend
You can verify backend is up with:
curl http://localhost:8080
- Frontend Only
If you only want the frontend dev server:
make up PROFILES=frontend
- [Optional] Cleanup Commands
Key commands are:
To stop containers without removing them:
make stop PROFILES=full
To stop and remove containers:
make down PROFILES=full
To stop and remove containers and their volumes:
make clean PROFILES=full
- [Optional] Logs and Containers Exec
To follow logs for backend containers:
make logs PROFILES=backend
To access db container psql:
make exec-db
To open redis-cli in the redis container:
make exec-redis
To shell into the backend container:
make exec SERVICE=backend CMD="bash"
Contributions welcome. Get in touch, send a PR, or open a GitHub issue.
- Email: [email protected]
- Issues: Submit an Issue