Welcome to my data pipeline project. This is not one project, it contains multiple things that help me explore new technologies. I'll explain the different applications below. In general the structure follows the following foundation.
- config_files : Contains the files need to configer components like indexes in OpenSearch or a schema in Weaviate
- data_sources : contain the different available data files used in the applications
- tests : Contain very little unit tests, only used to test small specific things to try out.
- infra : docker files to startup specific components (OpenSearch for instance)
The other folders are modules:
- pipeline : Contains the Dagster pipeline that manages the indexes in OpenSearch
- reranking : Components that can re-rank results
- search : Contains the files related to using OpenSearch for templates, data, query and a tool to parse explain output
- util : Small utilities that we can re-use in the modules
- weaviatedb : Files used to interact with Weaviate
- langchainmod : Files used to interact with Langchain code
- log_config.py : Configuration for the Python logging framework
- requirements.txt : The Python libraries used in the project
- run_query_pipeline.py : runner for the Weaviate pipeline to query Weaviate using the re-ranker as well
- run_langchain_ro_vac.py : Runner for the langchain sample that imports and queries multiple vector stores
Create the following file: /Users/jettrocoenradie/Library/Application Support/rancher-desktop/lima/_config/override.yaml
- mode: system
script: |
set -o xtrace
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
cat <<'EOF' > /etc/security/limits.d/rancher-desktop.conf
* soft nofile 82920
* hard nofile 82920
You can test using curl, for now we do not check the certificate:
curl https://localhost:9200 -ku admin:admin
I am experimenting with Dagster
dagster dev -f ./pipeline/products_dagster.py
First we need to create the custom DockerFile. Then start docker compose with the added local docker image
docker build -f mdeberta.Dockerfile -t mdeberta-qna-transformers .
docker compose -f docker-compose-weaviate.yml up -d
I am experimenting with streamlit to work with a gui as well. You have to run the sample with the following command:
streamlit run run_weaviate_qna.py
Just some articles I used