This is the simple rest service to order with written spring boot.
When application starts, all necessary data will be ready to use.
For database, h2 is used. To see all tables and datas http://localhost:8087/h2-console
To see swagger screen to make rest request http://localhost:8087/swagger-ui.html
To dockerize the application please follow
mvn clean install
docker build -f Dockerfile -t order-system . (to Create docker image)
This application is configurable for diffrent enviroment.There are 2 diffrent file for prod and dev.
You can choose whatever enviroment you want and set variables for proper enviroment
To run on docker and start the application
- docker-compose -f up
- docker-compose -f up
If you want, you can add file for diffrent enviroment whatever you want
To create order, post to this url /order/create